38 = Historical Guidebook of the Evangeline Region

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The Acadian Festival in 1978. Every year the Festival showcases the rich cultural heritage of the Evangeline Region. Three young dancers are step-dancing to a tune played by the amazing fiddler Eddy Arsenault (son of Arcade, son of Joe Mocauque) who is accompanied by his brother Amand on the guitar. (Photo by Maurice Arsenault)

The Agricultural Exhibi- tion in Abram’s Village, circa 1955. This is the oldest continuing rural agricultural fair on the Island. It started out as a local event but gradually grew in size until it received provincial exhi- bition status in 1988.

The first fair took place in Urbainville on 17 October 1903 under the auspices of the Farmers’ Institute. The editor of the news- paper L’Impartial congrat- ulated the organizers for their initiative in the fol- lowing manner: “Aside from adopting a superb way of showing their ag- ricultural skills, the peo- ple in Egmont Bay dem- onstrated to our youth the advantages of tilling the soil rather than going to the United States to become slaves in the fac- tories of the great repub- lic.” (Raymond Bernard Collection)