1. The following tools and equipment may be found at the Elmira Railway Museum and the Basin Head Fisheries Museum. Can you identify the usage of each?
A. A Velocipede
A Switch Broom
A Shunter
An Interlocking Relay
A Sneak Box
A Killeck
A Prism
A Palm
A Becket, A Carrick Bend, A Back Splice, and A Figure Eight
A Chafer
A Draw Knite
A Clam Hod
A Date Nail
A Bagger
A Washboard
A Parlour Trap
B C D E. F G. H I. K L. M N P. Q. A Mud Fork R S. T. U. 2. 3. P 5. Vv 6. 8.
A Hand-barrow
A Splitting Table.
A Flake
A Gurry-butt
Where would you go in P.E.I. to see three tides meet?
In what year did waterspouts form just off the southern reef of East oint?
Where is the sight of the first known shipwreck on P.E.1.?
On October 15, 1852 there was a major storm that saw 21 American essels driven ashore at Souris. What were the total financial losses?
When did the Turret Bell come ashore at Cable Head?
What was the date of the Sovinto tragedy?
What is the name of the vessel that was wrecked off Brown’s Cape with all hands lost on November 7, 1907? 9. | What was the name of the vessel which collided with an U.S. minesweeper, eight miles off East Point? 10. Which of Prince Edward Island’s many car ferries sank off East Point when it was being towed to Sydney to be scrapped?
Land & Sea 9