what was it used for? 37. Why would you need more prongs on an eel spear in the winter? 38. Who were the first winners of the PE.I. Eeling Contest at Basin Head? | 39. Who outfitted the early sealing vessels of Souris? | 40. How much oil could be harvested from an adult seal and for what was it used for? 41. In 1925, well over 50 whales beached themselves in Little Pond. Why did this event create a temporary economic boom? 42. You are out on the sand flats at low tide. How can you tell if there are clams in the area? 43. How can you determine the age of a scallop? | 44. What was the disparaging name given to a bluefin tuna in the early 1900's? | 45. What was the primary duty of the keeper when the Souris Lighthouse _ was constructed in 1880? 46. Farmers and fishermen have all used vice grips since its invention. Who had the brilliant idea? '47. What was the occupation of Thomas Irwin? '48. When the French settled on P-E.I. in 1719, the Island was teeming with wildlife? Which animal provided the most danger to permanent | settlements? 49. Whatmammals and insects attacked the newly established settlement in Georgetown in 1775? | 50. What was used as insulation in the early pioneer homes? '51. Who was the Morell resident that died of his injuries as the result of | an encounter with a bear? |52. Who was the Munn’s Road resident known as “The Old Bear | Hunter’? '53. What was the first registered bounty on a lynx? '54. Where is the final stop for migrating birds when they leave the Island in the fall? 55. Which is larger - the male or temale Bald Eagle? 56. How does the osprey grab its prey? '57. What is the Gaelic name for Black Pond? 58. Who was the individual that was able to that prove coyotes had _moved to Prince Edward Island? '59. Who carried the nickname “The Mad Trapper’? 60. Whowere the recipients of the initialC. Roy White Memorial Award _in December 1987? -61. How was the Father James Road constructed?

62. What was the method employed to clear the stumps from an acreage Land & Sea I]