30. William Oliver Rose (1870-1936) was born at North Lake, the son of William and Charity Jane (Baker) Rose. He was a surgeon, Alderman and Mayor and had a distinguished career as a member of the British Columbia Legislature.

31. William Merrill Silliphant (1900-1967) was a native of Hunter River who accepted the position in Souris High School for the year 1922-1923. He decided to study medicine after meeting Dr. Gus. After graduation, he oined the U.S. Medical Corps. Silliphant was interned by the Japanese in he Phillipines but continued to practice, struggling against disease and malnutrition.

32. Dr. Ephriam Bell Muttart (1878-1881) and Dr. Peter Adolphus MacIntyre (1874-1877, 1882-1890).

3. Dr. Thomas V. Grant (1876-1966) practised for 35 years in ontague P.E.I., also serving as a Member of the Legislative Assembly 1927-1930), Member of Parliament (1935-1949) and a Member of the enate of Canada (1949-1965). Dr. Grant and his wife Mary J. (nee onovan of Morell) had 13 children, a family that could staff a small ospital. Their six sons either became physicians or dentists. Four of their even daughters became Registered Nurses. One was a registered harmacist and another a laboratory technician. The seventh daughter’s ealth did not allow her a medical career, but she became a talented usician. At least one of the Senator’s grandchildren became a surgeon. 4. Rev. Francis John MacDonald was in charge of missions in Eastern ings with his headquarters in St. George’s up to his death in 1900.

5. Archbishop Alfred Sinnott served as the secretary to the Papal elegate in Ottawa prior to his Winnipeg appointment. He died in 1954. 6. His Excellency James Morrison was born in St. Andrew’s on July . 1861.

37. Msgr. Richard St. John of Souris (1895-1954). He was ordained a riest on December 21, 1919.

38. Rev. Henry George Mellick was born in 1857 and eventually served $ a minister in four provinces.

39. Rev. Ernest Horatio Morrow was born in 1843. He worked in Tavoy land died in 1905.

40. Rev. Everett Melville Aitken (1899-1986) served in Central United Church in Calgary from 1935 to 1942.

41. Most Reverend Joseph Faber MacDonald was elected to the post of Bishop of Grand Falls (Newfoundland) on January 11, 1980.

42. Rev. Dr. Henry A. MacDonald D.D. was born in Kingsboro and served several locations as a minister within the Baptist and Church of

Disciples Congregations, serving his home congregation from 1916 to People Answers 61
