
Mort Ambulance Service



Phone 149

15 King Square,


Cousins William M salesman Eastern Se-

curities Company Limited bds 2438


Alice L lvs 59 Longworth avenue

Borden lvs 305 Fitzroy

Chester M _ secretary-treasurer and

manager Pure Milk Company Limi-

ted bds Parker House

Frank employee Maritime Electric

Company Limited lvs 305 Fitzroy

Fred R traveller J W Windsor Lim-

ited h 15 Euston

Cox Laura lvs 4 Brighton road

Cox Marjorie nurse Prince Edward Island Hospital bds same

Cox Muriel student bds Parker House

Cox Reginald W line foreman Maritime

Electric Company Limited h 305


Robert N h 59 -Longworth avenue,

phone 168L

Cox Velman (widow Bannerman C) h 4 Brighton road, phone 547Y

Coyle Ann h 55 Richmond

Coyle Charles E engineer Canadian Nat- ional Railways h 289 Sydney

Coyle Charles egg candler Swift Canadian Company

Coyle Constance stenographer Henry Mc- Farlane lvs 12 Passmore

Coyle Dalvay lvs 42 Kent

Coyle Ellen (widow John) h 68 Great George

Coyle Frank lvs 289 Sydney

Coyle Frank L customs & excise clerk Customs Department h 257 Euston

Coyle Fred A railway mail clerk Canadian National Railways h 304 Richmond phone 801L

Coyle George laborer h 60 King

Coyle James foreman printer Patriot Pub- lishing Company h 12 Passmore

Coyle John inspector Department of Agri- culture h 169 Sydney

Coyle Joseph painter Canadian National Railways h 65 Prince

Coyle Katherine G cashier Mutual Life of Canada lvs 68 Great George

Coyle Mae saleslady Moore & McLeod Limited bds 42 Kent

Coyle Mary (widow Phillip) h 42 Kent

Coyle Owen bds Sacred Heart Home

Coyle Peter porter Canadian National Ex-

press lvs 68 Great George

Philip h 104 Richmond

Philip bds Sacred Heart Home

Thomas lvs 304 Richmond

Thomas laborer h 64 King

Victor druggist 117 Kent Ivs 298

Sydney, phone 616

Coyle Wilfred W lvs 68 Great George

Crabbe Benjamin bds 126 Kent

Crabbe Florence E (widow Simon W) h 202 Hillsborough

Crabbe Joseph C building contractor 214 Weymouth h same

Crabbe Lorne W retail grocer 224 Wey- mouth, phone 398J, h 214 Weymouth

Cox Cox Ox




Coyle Coyle Coyle Coyle Coyle

C W. Patterson

130 Great George Street Phone 394J Charlottetown



Crabbe Otto bds 133 King Craig Blanche employee millinery depart-

ment Prowse Brothers Limited bds

76 Elm avenue

Craig Carol Ivs 98 Kent

Craig Carrie lvs 16 Granville

Craig Edwin fox rancher O W Thompson & Company h 98 Kent

Craig George W clerk Marine Department

h 179 Kent isi Craig Harry (Elm Grocery) res Malpeque road

Craig H assistant YMCA res St Avards

Craig Peter boiler maker Canadian Nat- ional Railways res St Avards

Craig Robert lvs 19 Gerald

Craig Samuel tailor 170 Queen res West Royalty

Crane Mary maid 71 Upper Prince

Craswell Chester stower CNR lvs 186 King

Craswell Edith M lvs 30 Hillsborough

Craswell Florence (widow Walter C) h 30 Hillsborough

Craswell Harry lvs 30 Hillsborough

Craswell Henry h 186 King

Craswell Merrill salesman Sidney T Green res Malpeque road

Craswell Oliver C photographer 137 Great George phone 692L, res Malpeque

Craswell Sydney J lineman Prince Edward Island Telephone Company h 292 Fitzroy "

Craswell Watson lvs 186 King

Crawford Bessie (widow Dr Donald) h 10 Felling

Crawford Donalda lvs 10 Felling

Crawford George chef h 56 Fitzroy, phone 47J :

Crawford Jay employee Prince Edward

Island Fox Biscuit Factory h 212°


Crawford Louise Mrs h 104 Euston

Crawford Pearl clerk B J MacDonald lvs 212 Kent

Creamer Lawrence E manager Prince Ed- ward Island Government Garage h 31 Edward

Creamer Wilfred mechanic lvs 31 Edward

Creelman Prescott A chief health officer Department of Agriculture h 3 Park terrace

Creighan Annie lvs 84 Sydney

Creighan Charlotte bookkeeper Brothers lvs 84 Sydney

Creighan Harriet (widow John) h 89 Syd-

ney ; reighan Thomas clerk Alley & Company Limited lvs 84 Sydney

rockett Agnes L (widow Leslie B) man-

ager J T Crockett & Company h 203 Euston, phone 1090

rockett Elsie clerk J T Crockett & Com- .

pany lvs 246 Fitzroy Crockett Emma (widow Fitzroy 4 Crockett Ernest C clerk J T Crockett & Company bds North American Hotel 126 Kent



William) h 246