PGF Sisehdiary Radio Sihee
Crockett Harry J employee Maritime Elec- tric Company Limited h 28 Upper Queen
Crockett James P manager R T Holman Limited h 201 Prince
Crockett J assistant manager F W Wool- worth lvs 67 Bayfield
Crockett J T & Company, Mrs A. L Crock- ett manager, fish, provisions and groceries 56-58 Grafton, phone 65]
Crockett Lloyd tailor John T McKenzie h 270 Euston
Crockett Meldorn G mail clerk h 250 Graf-
Crockett Ralph M student lvs 248 Fitzroy phone 927
Crockett Russell M jeweller C W Patter- son lvs 248 Fitzroy
Crockett Samuel B machinist h 248 Fitzroy
Croken Isadore E veterinary surgeon 48 Great George h same
Croken Michael bds Sacred Heart Home
Croken Pearl advertisement compositor The Charlottetown Guardian lvs 84 Elm avenue
Cronan John caretaker Prohibition Com- mission h 75 Dorchester
Cronin Daniel bds 101 Sydney
Cronin Francis J letter carrier Post Office h 16 Upper Queen
Cronin R clerk Cudmore Brothers lvs 75 Dorchester
Crosby Margaret (widow William) h 136 Fitzroy
Crosby Mary Mrs h 69 Chestnut
Crown Life Insurance Company, B R Holman agent 145 Great George
Cudmore Brothers (Harry W and Ernest A Cudmore) retail grocers 139 Great George, phones 184 and 225
Cudmore Charles J building contractor 46 Douglas h same, phone 738L
Cudmore C assistant repairman Brothers lvs 23 Granville
Cudmore Ernest A (Cudmore Brothers) h 96 Elm avenue
Cudmore George A clerk Experimental Farm h 66 School
Cudmore George C ‘pressing parlor 156 Great George h 39 Connolly
Cudmore Harold salesman L Rattenbury Limited h 338 Gerald
Cudmore Harry W (Cudmore Brothers) lvs 86 Elm avenue
Cudmore Howard shipper Carvell Brothers lvs 18 Park
Cudmore Isaac clerk Rogers Hardware Company Limited
Cudmore John A carpenter 11 Douglas h same
Cudmore Levi teamster R T Holman &
; Company Limited h 23 Granville
Cudmore Priscilla (widow Andrew) h 86 Elm avenue
Cudmore Ray shipper Carvell Brothers h 18 Park
| Curley
Cudmore Sadie B operator Prince Edward Island Telephone System bds 23 Granville
Cudmore T Roy (Henderson & Cudmore) h 224 Pownal, phone 977J
Cudmore William J clerk Cudmore Bro- thers h 82 Elm avenue
Cullen James F mail clerk Canadian Nat- ional Railways h 8 Hillsborough
Cullen James P laborer h 22 Hillsborough
Cullen Michael laborer h 82 Green
Cullen Viola’ compositor The Charlotte- town Guardian Ivs 3 Hillsborough
Cullen Walter lvs 22 Hillsborough
Cullen Wilfred h 183 Water
Cullin Catharine (widow Edward) h Richmond
Cullin Della saleslady 75 Richmond
Cullin M A saleslady Patons Limited lvs 75 Richmond
Culpeck Harry lineman PEI Tel System h 207 Sydney
Cuming Charles engineer h 27 Euston
Cummings H carpenter MacDonald-Rowe Woodworking Company Limited h 63 Elm avenue
Cummings Robert laborer h 91 Elm ave
Cummings Sarah (widow Jacob) lvs 63 Elm avenue
Cummiskey James laborer h 96 Fitzroy
Cummiskey John bookkeeper Palmer-Wat- son Electric Co Ivs 18 Douglas
CUNARD STEAMSHIP LINE, W K Rogers Company Limited Agents, 94 Great George, Phones 540-541 (See adv front cover)
Cundall Home Hilda Johnson matron 2 Kent
Curley Aeneas clerk Saunders, Newsom & Company h 27 Alley
Evelyn clerk Cudmore Brothers bds 63 Douglas
Curley Louis laborer Judge Haszard h 16 Schoo
Curley Philip laborer h 128 Prince
Curran Agnes nurse Charlottetown Hos- pital bds same
Curran Joseph L repairman Miller Bros lvs 40 Hillsborough
Curran Lena M lvs 210 Weymouth
Curran Michael bds Sacred Heart Home
Curran Michael laborer h 214. Euston
Curran Thomas Rev professor St Dun- stan’s University bds same
Curran William h 210 Weymouth
Currie Alexis carpenter MacDonald-Rowe Woodworking Company Limited bds 186 Great George
Currie Bertie nurse Dr Wylie Allan lvs 26 Euston
Currie Donald K _ editor The Charlotte- town Guardian bds 181 Prince
Currie Frank S (The Shoe Doctor) h 26 Euston
Currie Frederick H trainman Canadian National Railways h 201 Dorchester
Patons Limited lvs
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