SUPPOSE | you _| wanted the atdress of a Friend in | Calgary —what | would ‘ you do? Refer to the Free Mullins City Directory Library Board of Trade Journal Bldg. 233 Queen St. - Ottawa BENS TAXI _ YOU MIGHT AS WELL HAVE THE BEST PHONE 1010 CHARLOTTETOWN Mullins Maxwell W lvs 226 Fitzroy Mullins Wendell W employee hats and caps department Prowse Brothers Limited h 262 Grafton Mullins William D painter. and decorator 226 Fitzroy h same, phone 544L Munn Dorothy lvs 69 Edward Munn Hilda E student bds 9 Orlebar Munn Jean stenographer Royal Bank of Canada bds 145 Euston Munn John R president PEI Co-operative Egg & Poultry Association res Marshfield Munn Roderick S teller Canadian Bank of Commerce bds 145 Euston Munn William taxis 69 Edward h same, phone 1074 Munroe Beulah lvs 263 Richmond Munroe John th 23 Richmond, phone 294L Munroe William L fireman CNR h 90 Edward MUNSON STEAMSHIP LINE, Buntain, Bell; & Company Agents, Lower Queen, Phone 829 (See adv front cover) Murchison J G Mrs h 38 Orlebar, phone 380L Murchison Winifred H lvs 70 Highland avenue Murdock D B traveller Fennell & Chand- ler bds 225 Water Murley Catherine (widow ‘Cephus P) bds 75 Upper Prince Murley Catherine Mrs h 48 Upper Queen Murley Etta housekeeper 5 Grafton Murley James M manager Anglo-American Tel Company h 66 Brighton Murley Kathleen lvs 48 Upper Queen Murley William E printer Irwin Printing Company Limited h 48 Upper Queen Murnaghan Agnes G teacher Queen’s Sq School lvs 28 ‘/Pownal Murnaghan Ellen (widow John) Pownal, phone 870 Murnaghan Marie lvs 28 Pownal Murnaghan Patrick plumber Currie & Murnaghan hh 28 Pownal Murnaghan Patrick jr machinist Angus MacEachern.lvs 28 Pownal Murnaghan William laborer h 61 chester Murphy Albert truckman A ‘Pickard & Company h 42 Valley Murphy Albert J truckman A Pickard & Company lvs 34 Valley Murphy Andrew F h 102 Dorchester Murphy Anne cashier PEI Tel System bds 215 Great George Murphy Augustus employee Fraser bds 48 Weymouth Murphy Austin laborer h 43 Prince Murphy A Harry postal clerk Post Office lvs 210 Great George Murphy Donald laborer Ilvs 28 Clark Murphy Emmaline lvs 66 Bayfield Murphy Frank blacksmith CNR h 95 Euston : h 28 Dor- Davis & Murphy Frank R bridge tender CNR h 109 Hillsborough Murphy Harry truckman A Pickard & Company lvs 34 Valley Murphy Jennie Mrs h 29 Grafton Murphy John Mrs h 22 Weymouth Murphy John E clerk Reddin Brothers lvs 215 Great George ~ Murphy John H h 215 Great George, phone 599 Murphy J A Rev rector St Dunstan’s University h same Murphy Kathleen monotype operator Irwin Printing Company Limited lvs 29 Grafton Murphy Louise clerk The Vogue lvs 215 Great George Murphy Mabel lvs 215 Great George Murphy Margaret Mrs stenographer Stew- art & Lowther lvs 139 Hillsborough Murphy Mary (widow James) rms 139 Hillsborough Murphy Mary (widow John) lvs 56-58 Dorchester Murphy Mary Mrs bds Sacred Heart Home Murphy Michael J h 56 Dorchester Murphy Millie (widow Frederick H) h 223 King Murphy Nicholas clerk Customs Depart- ment bds 229 Sydney Murphy Patrick laborer ‘h 48 Dorchester Murphy Patrick T grocer 51 Spring Park road h same Murphy Teresa (widow James T) h 7 Hensley Murphy Teresa lvs 7 Hensley Murphy William h 166 Bayfield Murray Arthur projectionist Prince Ed- ward Theatre lvs 165 Dorchester Murray A G manager Peardon House h 225 Water Murray Cecil student lvs 148 Weymouth Murray Daniel lvs 165 Dorchester Murray Eileen lvs 211 Grafton Murray Ellen Mrs h 143 Weymouth Murray Frank conductor CNR h 211 Graf- ton Murray Gerald physical instructor YMCA bds 229 Sydney Murray Gerald loader CNR Murray Hilda maid 7 Euston Murray Howard ‘th 10 Water Murray James watchman Rockwood Asy- | lum h 48 Douglas Murray John h 165 Dorchester Murray John L student lvs 15 Grafton Murray Keir salesman Maritime Electric Company th 260% Grafton Murray Linden E_ salesman National Antique Company, St John, h 15 Grafton, phone 482] Murray Lloyd D manager Bank of Nova Scotia h 1 West, phone 215 Murray Mary Mrs grocer 42 Dorchester h 44 same : ' Murray Mary h 42 Pownal Wn at —80— ” AEE Cheah eh