Electric Light and Power 69 GRAFTON STREET ;
‘Maritime Electric Co. Limited
of Associated Gas and Electric System
Electric Appliances CHARLOTTETOWN, P.E.I.
Phillips William E salesman Imperial Oil Limited lvs 35 Grafton
Phoenix Assurance Company of Hartford Hyndman & Company agents 61 Queen
Phoenix Assurance Company Limited of London, Hyndman & Company Lim- ited agents 61 Queen
PICKARD ALFRED (A Pickard & Com- pany), h 148 Euston, Phone 37
PICKARD A & COMPANY (Alfred Pickard), Coal, Coke and Firewood,
38 Lower Water, Phone 240 (See adv front cover) Pickard Caroline ‘(widow Thomas) h 103
Euston, phone 434
Pickard Fred R Ivs 110 Euston
Pickard Harold L postal clerk Post Office h 54 Bayfield, phone 517L
Pickard Josephine (widow Jasper) lvs 157 Weymouth
Pickard Milton lvs 110 Euston
Pickard M C Miss lvs 103 Euston
Pickard Russel hide dealer 110 Euston h
game, phone 383J
Pidgeon Michael h 74 Highland
Pidgeon T helper Bruce Stewart & Com- pany Limited h 74 Highland avenue
Pierce Emma (widow John H) lvs 161 Euston
PIERCE JOHN S$ Managing Director, Prowse Brothers Limited, h 65 Roch- ford, Phone 173J
Pineau Alexander foreman Henry Lap- thorn h 145 Gerald
Pineau Alice maid 8 Brighton road
Pineau Alice teacher Saint Joseph Con- vent bds 50 Douglas
Pineau Cecely lino operator Patriot Pub- lishing Company lvs 4 Chestnut
Pineau Claude clerk Alley & Company lvs 4 Chestnut
Pineau Elmer assistant professor St Dun- stan’s University bds same
Pineau John bell boy Queen Hotel bds same
Pineau Judith Peake
Pineau Lina (widow Angus) h 4 Chestnut
Pineau Lucy employee Sterns Steam Laundry h 145 Upper Prince
Pineau Rose stenographer Gaudet & Has- zard lvs 128 Dorchester
Pineau Sophie Mrs h 94 Fitzroy
Pineau Vincent plumber F H Trainor ne 4 Chestnut
Pitre Clarence Rev professor St Dunstan’s University bds same
Platts Everett painter Bruce Stewart & Company Limited lvs 28 Admiral
Platts Florence nurse PEI Hospital bds same
Platts Herbert W fox rancher 28 Admiral h same, phone 956L
Platts John W prohibition officer lvs 120 Upper Prince
(widow Robert) bds 48
Platts Lila nurse PEI Hospital bds same '
Pointer Stanley manager Sanitary Feather Mattress Company bds Great George
Poirier J Nazaire Rev professor St Dun- stan’s University bds same
Pollard John W carpenter Charles Cud- more h 16 Bishop
Pollard Sarah (widow Joseph) Bishop
Pollock William D h 71 McGill avenue
Polyclinic The (Drs Rupert F Seaman, Wendall F Tidmarsh and Wendall J MacKenzie) 190 Prince, phone 725
Pomeroy Aaron A (Auld Brothers Ltd) h 83 Upper Prince, phone 270L
Pomeroy Edward h 222 Grafton, phone 955
Poole Benjamin h 87 Green
Poole Garnet W machinist CNR Ilvs 202 Hillsborough
Poole Jessie E h 20 Longworth avenue
POOLE L M & COMPANY (Simon P Paoli and Simon P Paoli Jr), Lum- ber Merchants, Paoli’s Wharves, Water, Phone 172° (See left top lines; also embossed line back cover)
Pope Florence bds 8 West
Pope Percy assistant receiver general bds 8 West
Portland Packing Company, W F Tid- marsh manager, lobster packers 31 Dorchester
Post Office James A Callaghan postmaster Queen’s Square, phone 34
Postal Inspector’s Office John F Whear inspector Post Office Queen’s square, phone 422
Poulton James h 219 Sydney
Pound Barbara (widow David) h 18 Upper Hillsborough
Pound Bruce D employee New Method Cleaners Limited h 12 Spring Park road
Pound David teamster W A Rix Ivs 261 Euston
Pound Dorothy lvs 261 Euston -
Pound Mark plumber CNR h 261 Euston
Pound Phoebe (widow Robert) h 47 Orle- bar
Pound Vera G stenographer PEI Grass Seed Growers Association lvs 18 Upper Hillsborough
Powell Ernest foreman CNR bds 111 Kent
Powell Kathleen maid 2 Kent
Power Bessie lvs 104 Dorchester
Power Frank lvs 1 Rochford
Power Frank carpenter lvs 241 Dorchester
Power Frederick clerk Roadmaster’s Office CNR h 219 Water
Power George employee Harris Abattoir Company Limited h 93 Sydney
Power Helen lvs 219 Water
Power James (Jimmy’s Taxi) lvs 24/1 Dor- chester
Power James truckman h 1 Rochford
Power John h 241 Dorchester Power John lys 1 Rochford
lvs 16
Power John teamster Canadian National
Express h 137 Kent
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