Her Satisfactory Radio Service
PROVIDENCE UNDERWRITERS Agency, T W Bentley General Agent Rooms 12-13 Cameron Block, 148 Richmond, Phone 1036 (See embos- sed line front cover; also left side lines)
PROVINCIAL BANK OF CANADA, The, Philip Noonan Manager, 164 Richmond, Phone 770
Provincial Building Queen square
PROVINCIAL MOTORS LIMITED, R C Clark President, G Gordon Notting Secretary-Treasurer and Manager, Chrysler Dealers, 224 Great George, Phone 421
Prowse Agnes h 49 Euston, phone 977L
Prowse Bessie teacher West Kent School h 49 Euston }
Prowse Brothers (George and James Prowse) painters 96-98 King
PROWSE BROTHERS LIMITED, Hon Senator B C Prowse President, T W L Prowse Vice-President and Gen- eral Manager, John S Pierce Manag- ing Director, Departmental Store Richmond corner Queen, Phones 805- 806 (See adv page 3)
PROWSE HON SENATOR B 6, Presi- dent Prowse Brothers Limited, h 162 Dorchester, Phone 35
Prowse Elizabeth h 49 Euston, phone 977L
Prowse Fannie (widow L E) h 267 Rich- mond, phone 123
Prowse George (Prowse Brothers) h 96 King
Prowse Herbert T employee mens wear department Prowse Brothers Lim- ited h 62 School
Prowse James (Prowse Brothers) h 98 King
Prowse John h 215 Water
Prowse J J ledgerkeeper Provincial Bank of Canada lvs 96 King
Prowse L E Mrs director Prowse Brothers Limited h 267 Richmond
Prowse Matilda h 220 Hillsborough
PROWSE T W L, Vice-President and General Manager Prowse Brothers Limited, h 17 Villa avenue, Phone
Prowse Waldron B (W B Prowse & Sons) h 48 Grafton
PROWSE WB & SONS (W B and WE Prowse) Dodge Brothers Auto Dealers, 174 Great George, Phone
94 Prowse W Earl (W B Prowse & Sons) h ; 77 Upper Prince Prowse W H superintendent of lights Mar- ine Department h 146 Pownal Prudential Assurance Company Limited of London, England, A R McInnis agent 70 Prince, phone 1040
Prunty Alice lvs 330 Richmond Prunty Ernest truckman 265 King h same Prunty John h 330 Richmond
Prunty Lily lvs 330 Richmond Prunty Mary lvs 273 Dorchester
Prunty Michael teamster L M Poole & Company h 273 Dorchester
Prunty Vernon carpenter MacDougall & MacAuley h 238 Grafton
Prunty Wallace bookkeeper Clarke Bros lvs 330 Richmond
Public Dispensary, Amy Earle manager, 107 Pownal .
PUBLICITY BUREAU OF PRINCE Edward Island, Mrs J M MacFadyen Secretary-Treasurer and Manager, 103 Queen, Phone 320
Puncher Elsie chief operator Prince Ed- ward, Island Tel System lvs 105 Hills- borough
Puncher Frank L trainman CNR h 227 Grafton
Puncher George B machinist CNR h 236 Sydney
Puncher James A h 105 Hillsborough, phone 612L
Puncher Mary V operator PEI Tel System lvs 105 Hillsborough
Puncher Winifred lvs 105 Hillsborough
Purcell Alice cashier Moore & McLeod Limited bds 89 Dorchester
Purcell Joseph C h 89 Richmond
Purcell Joseph J laborer lvs 89 Richmond
Purcell Mary A cashier Moore & McLeod’s lvs 89 Richmond
PURDIE-FERGUSON SHOE COMPANY Limited, W V Purdie and E A Fer- guson Proprietors, Boots, Shoes and Rubbers, 137 Grafton, Phone 522J
Purdie James T lvs 6 Water
Purdie J Eustace Rev h 6 Water
Purdie W V proprietor Purdie-Ferguson Shoe Company Limited h 13 Sydney
PURE MILK COMPANY LIMITED, The, H J Phillips President, R E Mutch Vice-President, Dr H D John- son and Dr S R Jenkins Directors, C M Cox Secretary-Treasurer and Manager, 191 Great George, Phone 584 (See adv inside front cover)
Purser Frederick oiler S S Prince Edward Island h 63 King
Quebec Fire Assurance Company, E R Brow agent, 144 Richmond, phone
589 Queen Bakery (John E Dalziel) 173 Queen phone 185J
Queen Fire Insurance Company, D B Stewart agent 88 Great George
QUEEN HOTEL, Miss Lena McQuaid
Manageress, 103 Water, Phones 32 and 137
Queen’s County Court, William S Stewart judge, Law Court Building, Queen square
Queen’s Square School W L Wynne prin- cipal 166 Richmond
Queensland Fire Insurance Company JA Webster agent 156 Richmond
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