Lr he OL eee oy eS x a es, i Py. ) Electric Light and Power 69 GRAFTON STREET CHARLOTTETOWN "Maritime Elechiic Co. ‘Tanted | of Associated Gas and Electric System Electric Appliances CHARLOTTETOWN, P.E.I. Spriggs Gweneth student bds 2 Kent Springfield Fire & Marine Insurance Co Hyndman & Company Limited agents 61 Queen Sprowell William salesman h 44 Rochford Spurgeon Florence lvs 187 Prince Squarebriggs John clerk Anglo American Tel Company bds 199 Kent Squarebriggs Ralph clerk McKinnon Drug Company bds 199 Kent Squires William ‘C carpenter MacDougall & MacAulay lvs 37 Douglas Stacey Leslie J manager F W Woolworth h 75 Bayfield, phone 392L Stafford Stanley electric engineer “Bruce Stewart & Company bds 145 Euston Stamper Eva E h 252 Grafton, phone 52 Stanley Augustine carp Bruce Stewart & Company Limited lvs 56 King Stanley Austin h 52 King Stanley Edmond longshoreman h 56 King Stanley Joseph K (Stanley Shaw & Pearden) h 35 Elm avenue Stanley Robert laborer h 94 King Stanley, Shaw & Pearden (J K Stanley, D R H Shaw, William Pearden) hardware and plumbing 161 Great George, phone 263 Stavert J S mechanic Bruce Stewart & Company Limited bds 145 Euston Stead Sarah student bds 223 Queen Steel G D vice-president Prince of Wales : College h 304% Euston, phone 515L Steel Loretta lvs 27 Richmond Steel May lvs 27 Richmond Steel Ronald J h 27 Richmond Steele Aloysius employee Imperial Oil Co lvs 85 Sydney Steele Fred lvs 85 Sydney Steele Frederick D lvs 322 Kent Steele Gertrude (The Vogue) lvs 322 Kent Steele Helen S stenographer The Eastern Trust Company lvs 322 Kent Steele Herbert employee Davis & Fraser h 50 Edward Steele John R h 85 Sydney Steele Mary (widow Daniel) lvs 259 Dor- chester Steele Mary Mrs h 322 Kent, phone 352L Steele Stanley W teamster Swift Canadian . Company h 252 Fitzroy Stentiford Benjamin machinst CNR h 67 Prince Stentiford Edward linotypist The Char- lottetown Guardian lvs 67 Prince Stentiford Margaret D operator PEI Tel System lvs 67 Prince Sterns Edith B stenographer lvs 73 Cum- berland Sterns Eleanor stenographer Polyclinic bds 194 Prince Sterns ED (The Sterns Steam Laundry) h 238 Pownal, phone 729 Sterns Harry W engineer CNR h 177 Graf- ton Sterns Harvey clerk Rogers Hardware Company Limited h 191 Kent, phone 220J Sterns J E (The Sterns Steam Laundry) lvs 34 Kent Sterns Mae lvs 191 Kent Sterns Margaret student lvs 14 Brighton avenue Sterns Ralph F clerk Bank of Montreal lvs 121 Fitzroy Sterns Rebecca (widow Alfred) Cumberland Sterns Reginald H h 126 Fitzroy STERNS STEAM LAUNDRY, (E D Sterns and J E Sterns}, 234 Kent, Phone 104 Stetson Barbara E (widow Henry A) h 181 Dorchester Stevenson Benjamin Mrs borough Stevenson Bruce W clerk Rogers Hard: ware Company Limited lvs 200 Weymouth Stevenson Euphemia (widow Charles) h 26 Longworth avenue, phone 131 Stevenson Harry (Blanchard & Steven. son) lvs 125 Hillsborough Stevenson James C h 104 Prince STEVENSON LLOYD §S (Lapthorn & Stevenson) h 311 Fitzroy, Phone 1176 Stevenson William H salesman Samuel Kennedy h 200 Weymouth, phone 940 Stewart Alfred A h 57 Prince, phone 1204 h 7 h 125 Hills Stewart Alice (widow James H) lvs 28 Brighton road Stewart Amelia (widow Daniel) h 185 Prince phone 279J STEWART BAKERY, Louis A Stewart Manager, 161 Kent, Phone 211 (See right top lines) Stewart Bertie stenographer Dominion Life Assurance Company lvs 208 Hillsborough Stewart Bruce president Bruce Stewart & Company Limited h 14 Water, phone 39 STEWART BRUCE & COMPANY LIMI. ted, Bruce Stewart President, F R Heartz Vice-President, C Leonard MacKay, Secretary-Treasurer, Frank M Stewart Managing Director, Sena- tor John McLean, C H Chandler, J A MeNair, Directors, Engineers and Machinists, 6 Great George, Phone 125 (See adv back cover; also right top lines) Stewart Cecil Lt-Col supervisor of taxation Provincial Secretary-Treasurer res Southport Stewart Charles D caretaker Armouries h 9614 Brighton road Stewart Clarebel dressmaker 329 Euston Stewart Daniel Mrs h 155 Kent, phone STEWART DAVID B, Insurance Agent Fire, Accident, Health, Plate Glass and Automobile, 88 Great George Phone 79L, h 14 Esplanade, Phone 71J : aor: Stewart Al1VLI NI AGWW UVAM SAOd ANV S.NAW - aan TadOud MM & 300 S1LIM JT} peey asIM @ $ jf] —s}eyy oulyjesiog jo amoy eq, LAaULS AOUOAO LVAUS Sel LS¢1 NI G3GNNOYy 3ShoH TVNIDI49