

“161 KENT ST.

A Full Line of Quality Breads, Pies, Cakes and Pastries

Phone 211




SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY of Canada, J A Moore Division Man- ager, Insurance, Canadian Bank of Commerce Building, corner Grafton and Queen, Phone 835

Supreme Court Chambers Hon John A Mathieson chief justice Law Court Building Queens square, phone 15L

Sutherland Elmer salesman Miller Bros lvs 18 Elm avenue

Sutherland Ethel B saleslady Patons Ltd

: bds 50 Water

Sutherland Ethel stenographer Maritime Life Assurance bds 77 Prince

Sutherland George general agent Massey- Harris Company Limited h 18 Elm avenue, phone 258L

Sutherland Gordon student bds 77 Prince

Sutherland G E clerk Miller Brothers lvs 18 Elm avenue

Sutherland Ida lvs 18 Elm avenue

Sutherland Katherine M billing clerk PEI

i Tel System bds 18 Elm avenue

Sutherland Leonard P tailor Murdock Ross h 273 Euston

Sutherland Robert E salesman A Horne & Company lvs 18 Elm avenue

Bie Ephraim laborer h 17 Cumber- and

Swallow Joseph butcher Roops Limited h 15 Orlebar

Swallow Molly lvs 15 Orlebar

Swan Daisy stenographer MacLean Co

Limited lvs 93 Edward

Swan D Wallace bridge building foreman CNR h 93 Edward, phone 708L ,

Swann Martha tailoress L J McPherson bds 46 Reserve

Sweeney Annie M lvs 173 Sydney

Sweeney Thomas messenger CNR h 173 Sydney

Sweet Mary (widow James H) lvs 79

_ McGill

Swift Canadian Company F B Conrad

manager 68 Queen, phones 736-737


Tait Byron lvs 37 Villa Tait Doris lvs 87 Villa Tait Emily lvs 37 Villa Tait Erma lvs 37 Villa Tait James florist 37 Villa h same, phone

_ 269

Tait Jean lvs 37 Villa

Tanton Doris Ivs 29 Elm avenue

Tpftton: Bdlion lvs 29 Elm avenue, phone


Tanton George S res St Avards

Tanton Gertrude A res St Avards

Tanton Herbert A Prof vocal and piano studio 146 Great George h same, phone 399]

Tanton Louis P h 29 Elm avenue

Tanton Ray A res St Avards

Tanton Sybil bds 56 Bayfield

Tanton Walter N jeweller 115 Grafton h 83 Elm avenue, phone 192L


Tanton Willard lvs 29 Elm avenue

Taper Annie (widow T J) lvs 102 Fitzroy

Tarbush Harriet L lvs 172 Prince

Tarbush Stephen F traveller West Eng- land Clothing Company h 172 Prince

Taylor Annie E lvs 69 Longworth avenue

Taylor Bruce J proprietor Bruce Hotel h same

Taylor Earl student lvs 95 Upper Prince

Taylor Ethel teacher West Kent School lvs 154 Hillsborough

TAYLOR E W, Jeweller and Optometrist, 142 Richmond, Phone 153L, h 69 Longworth avenue, Phone 793L (See adv page 2)

Taylor Fred h 78 Orlebar

Taylor George mariner ivs 49 Dorchester

Taylor Gladys Ivs 69 Longworth avenue

Taylor Gladys teacher lvs 49 Dorchester

TAYLOR G H, Jeweller, Optician and En- graver, 121 Grafton, Phone 353], h 91 Upper Prince, Phone 610L (See left top lines)

Taylor Harry mariner lvs 49 Dorchester

Taylor Helena (widow Willis) h 49 Dor- chester

Taylor John (E W Taylor) lvs 69 Long- worth

Taylor Joseph H mariner lvs 49 Dorchester

Taylor J D stationer 169 Grafton, phone 606L, h 154 Hillsborough, phone 92L

Taylor Mary lIvs 17 King square

Taylor Mary stenographer R E Mutch & Company lvs 49 Dorchester

Taylor Reginald G (G H Taylor) h 95 Upper Prince, phone 635L

Taylor Roy H (Roy’s Taxi) h 313 Kent

Taylor Thomas h 94 Gerald

Taylor Thomas G h 86 Cumberland

Taylor Wilfred F druggist Hughes Drug Company Limited h 8 Ambrose, phone 526]

Taylor William wheelwright St Avards res same

Teed Dorothy lvs 10 Pleasant

Teed Frank city weigher City Weighing Scales lvs 246 Kent

‘Teed William letter carrier Post Office h

10 Pleasant

Teed William H upholsterer Henry Mac- Farlane & Company h 246 Kent

Terlizzick May h 67 Bayfield

Terrieu Eugene h 209 Sydney

THAVENOT STEAMSHIP COMPANY Inc, Buntain, Bell & Company Agents, Lower Queen, Phone 829 (See adv front cover)

Theriault Ernestine maid 230 Prince

Thistle James janitor Riverside Apart- ments h 24 Water

Thistle Nicholas h 95 Sydney

Thom Harry (Palace Cafe) h 34 Passmore

Thompson Charles C manager Southgate

Produce Company h 101 Upper Prince

Thompson Edith nurse PEI Hospital bds same


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