lan Carrie Ea i Ing 3 News and Advertisements-worth read The Charlottetown Guard 5A 130 Longworth Avenue Crozier NEW METHOD CLEANERS Lro Phone 983 for Prompt Service in Cleaning and Pressing Charlottetown, P.E.!. SUMMERSIDE Crozier Lloyd clerk Brace MacKay & Company Limited bds Hanover Crue Lucus B (Williams & Crue) h Win- ter Crue Rebecca Mrs h Winter Cunningham J R veterinarian h Notre Dame Curran Laurence J clerk R T Holman Limited h Water Cushing Hester operator P.E.I. Telephone System lvs West Customs & Excise Division, H M Baker collector Post Office, Summer, phone Daley Frederick butcher lvs Eustane Daley Harry clerk Brace MacKay & Com- pany Limited lvs Eustane Daley Hugh butcher Ilvs Eustane Daley Patrick butcher h Eustane Dalton James E president Gourlies Lim- ited h Prince Dawson Alva. stenographer Strong lvs King Dawson Ida teacher Summerside High School bds Cedar avenue Dawson Merritt moulder M F Schurman Company Limited h King Deacon Basil S manager The Canadian Bank of Commerce bds Silver Fox Inn, Central Deighan Ernest employee CNR h Cam- bridge Dempsey Henry piano tuner bds Water De Roche M A Miss waitress R A John- ston lvs Water DesRoche Augustine clerk R T Holman Limited h Ottawa DesRoche Bernadette clerk Gourlies Lim- ited bds Milk DesRoche Edna clerk F W Strong & Co Limited lvs Second DesRoche Edward J carpenter h Russell DesRoche Emanuel employee The Hall Manufacturing & Cold Storage Com- pany Limited h Water West DesRoche Flossie tailoress Clark & Buch- anan lvs First Ernest H . DesRoche Frank carpenter h Cambridge Desroche Henry street foreman Town of Summerside h’ Eustane DesRoche John C truckman h North Market DesRoche John P truckman h Cedar DesRoche Leonard truckman h Convent DesRoche Peter F carpenter h Argyle DesRoche Peter J laborer lvs Water DesRoche Philip J laborer h Duke WATER STREET —134— CORNEY BROS. Dealers for Whippet, Willys-Knight and Chrysler Motor Cars DesRoche Stanley carpenter h First DesRoche Tillie domestic Clifton House bds same DICKEY CARL M, General Agent Inter- national Harvester Company, Sum- mer, Phone 75-2 Dickie Collingwood C grocer, fruit and confectionery Water, phone 40-3, h Milk Dobson Eliza Mrs h Granville Dobson John Mrs (Summerside Steam Laundry) h Granville Dodds Ralph T h Granville Dodge Enoch C h Cedar avenue Doherty Lily Mrs h Harvard Dolan Romeo egg candler h Water Dominion Department of Agriculture, James A MacGregor potato inspector Prince County, Water Dominion Hotel, The, Colin McKinnon proprietor, Water, phone 202 Doucette Charles laborer h North Market Doucette Edmund attendant Capitol Thea- tre lvs Foundry Doucette George printer Pioneer Publish- ing Company h Cedar Doucette Ida cook Eddys Tea Rooms lvs Argyle Doucette Jerry painter h Ottawa Doucette Joseph laborer h Cedar Doucette Maynard laborer lvs North Mar- ket Doucette Wilfred bookkeeper James A Mc- Neill & Sons bds Water Doughart Andrew E accountant Robin- son’s Mill & Bakery Limited h Granville Downing Hibbert M contractor h Central Doyle Catherine h Fitzroy Doyle Edmund student lvs Notre Dame Doyle Eileen clerk R T Holman Limited bds Spring Doyle Helen clerk R T Holman Limited bds Spring Driscoll John A h Cedar avenue Duncan Edna clerk R T Holman Limited bds King Duncan J W painter h Willow avenue Dunn Arthur carpenter h Central Dunn Lucy A Mrs h Water Dunn Thomas blacksmith h Spring : Dunn Thomas employee James A McNeill & Sons h Argyle Dunning Daniel laborer M F Schurman Company Limited h Eustane Durant Joseph B fisherman h Eustane Durant Pius laborer h East Durant Reuben millman M F Schurmat Company Limited h Water East, phone 175 TIRE VULCANIZING and SERVICE STATION SUMMERSIDE