, Gallant - Gallant Riley Building J. R. Paton, Manager ROYAL SECURITIES CORPORATION LIMITED GOVERNMENT, ‘MUNICIPAL AND CORPORATION BONDS Charlottetown, P. E. I. PRINCE COUNTY /Gallant Andrew farmer RR 1 Piusville Giallant Joseph fisherman Ebbsfleet Gallant Andrew merchant RR 1 Howlan Gallant Joseph Rev parish priest Richmond Gallant Andrew D fox rancher RR 1 Coleman Gallant Joseph A farmer RR 2 Wellington Station Gallant Andrew G farmer RR 2 Richmond Gallant Joseph E farmer’ RR 2. Tignish Gallant Anicet farmer RR 4 Weilllington. Station Gallant Joseph F farmer RR 1 Elmsdale Gallant Antoine P farmer RR 2 Richmond Gallant Joseph J farmer RR 2°-Misecouche Gallant Archibald sectionman Piusville Gallant Joseph J farmer Piusville Gallant Archibald C fox rancher RR 1 Coleman Giallant Joseph J farmer RR 3 Wellington Station Gallant Arsene J farmer RR 3 Wellington Station } Galllant Joseph J D Mrs farmer RR-3 Wellington Gallant Arthur farmer RR 1 Piusville Station Gallant Aubin J farmer RR 3 Wellington Station | Gallant Joseph L farmer RR 2 Wellington Station Gallant Azade J farmer RR 3 ‘Wellington Station | Gallant Joseph M farmer’ RR 2 Tignish Gallant A druggist Bloomfield Station Gallant Joseph M farmer RR 4 Wellington Station Gallant A farmer RR 1 Miscouche Gallant Joseph N farmer RR 8 Wellington Station Gallant A fisherman St Eleanors Gallant Joseph O farmer RR 3 Wellington Station Gallant A laborer Miscouche Gallant Joseph ‘P farmer RR 1 Elmsdale Gallant A H fisherman Ebbsfileet Gallant Joseph R trader O’Leary Station Gallant A iL Mrs farmer RR 3 Wellington Station | Gallant Joseph S farmer RR 3 Wellington Station Gallant A M store clerk Wellington Station Gallant Josephine restaurant keeper and confec- Gallant Bazil farmer RR 2 Miscouche tioner O’Leary Station Gallant Benjamin farmer RR 4 Wellington Station | Gallant J C farmer Howlan Gallant Benjamin hotel keeper Wellington Gallant J C station agent Wellington Station Gallant Benjamin F farmer RR 3 Wellington Sta- | Gallant J E farmer RR 3 Wellington Station tion a UE aaa Gallant Bernard farmer Richmond Gallant Bruno farmer RR. 2 Wellington Station Gallant Bruno farmer RR 3 Wellington Station Gallant Bruno merchant RR 1 Howlan Gallant B farmer RR 1 Miscouche Gallant B H fisherman Ebbsflleet Gallant Charles Mrs farmer RR 1 Piusvillle Gallant ‘Cyrus farmer RR 3 Wellington Station Gallant Cyrus farmer RR 4 Wellington Station Gallant Cyrus J salesman Piusville Galllant Cyrus P farmer RR 4 ‘Wellington Station Gallant C F merchant Wellington Station Gallant C L farmer Piusville Gallant Daniel farmer: Piusvillle Gallant Daniel S farmer RR 2 ‘Wellington Station Gallant Daniel laborer Piusville Gallant Delore farmer RR 3 Wellington Station Gallant Dominic farmer RR {1 Piusville Gallant D R farmer ‘Bloomfield Station Gallant Emmanuel farmer RR 3 Wellington Station Gallant Emmanuel J farmer RR 8 Wellington Sta- tion Gallant Emmanuel M farmer RR 2 ‘Wellington Station Gallant Emmanuel S farmer RR 2 Richmond Gallant Ethelbert farmer RR 3 Wellington Station |. Gallant E M farmer RR 4 Wellington Station Gallant Fermang farmer RR 3 [Wellington Station Gallant Fidele farmer RR 2 'Tignish Gallant Frank farmer RR I Howlan Gallant Frank fisherman Ebbsflleet Gallant Frank C farmer Howlan Gallant Frank C farmer RR 3 Wellington Station Gallant Frank I farmer RR 4 Wellington Station Gallant Frank “© farmer RR 2 Richmond Gallant Frank 'P farmer RR 1 Howlan Gallant Fred J farmer RR 3 Wellington Station Gallant Fred S farmer Richmond Gallant F farmer RR 1 Kinkora Gallant F C Jaborer St Louis Gallant F P farmer RR 1 Piusvillle Gallant F X Rev clergyman RR 4 Wellington Station GaNant Gilbert merchant RR 1 Howlan Gallant Glorice N farmer RR 4 Tone Station Gallant ue farmer RR 1 Coleman Gallant H L farmer Pivsville Gallant Henry farmer RR 1 O’Leary Station + Gallant Henry P farmer RR 1 Piusville Gallant Isidore farmer Piusvilile Gallant I O farmer Richmond Gallant Jacques farmer RR 4 ‘Wellington Station Gaillant James J farmer RR 2 Tignish Gallant James M laborer Bedeque Gallant James T farmer Howlan Gallant Jeremiah S farmer RR 2 Wellington Station Gallant Jerome laborer RR 11 \Piusville Gallant Jerome I: farmer RR 2 Wellington Station Gallant John clerk O’Leary Station Gallant John fisherman bbsfleet Galant John laborer St Pleanors Gallant John A farmer RR 1 Howlan Gallant John F merchant and postmaster Piusville Gallant John J farmer RR 1 Tignish John J farmer RR 2 Wellington Station John P farmer RR 2 Miscouche John P farmer RR 2 Wellington Station John W farmer RR 3 Wellington Station. Joseph Ebbsfleet Gallant Gallant Galllant Gallant Gallant Gallant Gallant Gallant Galant Gallant J Henry res Tignish J J farmer RR 1 O’Leary Station J J farmer St Louis J J fisherman Ebbsfileet J J laborer Miscouche J P Mrs farmer Piusville J P carpenter Wellington Station Gallant J S farmer Piusville Gallant J T farmer ‘Piusville Gallant J T farmer St ‘Louis Gallant J T Rev parish priest RR 2 Station Gallant Lawrence farmer RR 2 Wellington Station Gallant ‘Leo farmer RR 1 Alberton Gallant “Leon J farmer RR 2 Wellington Station Gallant Lemis farmer RR 4 Wellington Station Gallant Magloire V farmer RR 2 Wellington Station Gallant Martin farmer RR 3 Wellington Station Gallant Mat C farmer RR 4 Wellington Station Gallant (Max (laborer Central Bedeque Gallant Maxime farmer RR 1 Howlan Gallant (Maxime L flarmer RR 3 Wellington Station Gallant Medie farmer RR 1 [Piusvillle i Gallant Mosie farmer Piusville Gallant M J farmer Piusville are Namrcisse J farmer RR 3 Wellington Sta- t on Giallant Niciphora farmer RR 4 Wellington Station Gallant Octave farmer RR 1 Howlan Gallant Ozil farmer RR 4 Wellington Station Gallant Patrick farmér RR 1 St Louis Galllant ‘Paul I farmer RR 1 Howlan Gallant (Peter farmer RR 2 Allbany Gallant Peter farmer RR 4 Wellington Station Gallant Peter H farmer RR 4 Wellington Station Gallant Peter U farmer RR 1 Howlan Gallant (Phelias farmer RR 2 Wellington Station Gallant Phil farmer RR 4 ‘Wellington Station Gallant ‘Phil laborer Richmond Gallant Phil 'C farmer RR 3 Wellington Station nn Philibert J farmer RR 2 Wellington Sta- ion Gallant [Prospere farmer RR-1 Piusville Gallant Prospere farmer RR 4 Wellington , Station Gallant Prospere (P farmer RR 2 Richmond Gallant. (P C farmer St Louis Gallant P J farmer RR 1 Piusville Gallant P J farmer RR 2 Richmond Gallant 'P U Mrs farmer Piusville Gallant Rufus farmer RR 1 (Piusville Gallant R faborer Howlan Gallant R laborer Miscoudhe Gallant Sisome farmer RR 3 Tignish Gallant Stanislaus farmer RR 2 Wellington Station See Meanie A farmer RR 2 Wellington Sta- tion Gallant Stanislaus C Richmond Gallant Sylvain farmer RR 3 Tigniish Gallant Sylvain B farmer RR 8 Wellington Sta- : tion GaMant Sylvain G farmer RR 2 Tignish Gallant Sylvain I farmer RR 1 Howlan Gallant Sylvany S laborer Howlan Gallant S C farmer RR 2 Richmond Gallant Toussaint farmer RR 2 Wellington ‘Station Gallant T (aborer 'Piusville Gallant T G fisherman Ebbsfleet Gallant Victor res Cape Egmont Gallant Xavier O farmer RR 2 Richmond Gallant & Gaudet store Wellington Wellington J991}§ WENO ¢/ OLIT pue ZP9 Seucyg SYaAMOUd MOOLS J) Soljlinseg s Tad ‘U4o}2} 0/124) SAILIMNOAS ONINIW STIO TEM e& SNIVUSD Aueduro “P¥I