Farm Lands and Farming
Dairying.—All the best known breeds of dairy cattle are to be found, and numbered among them are some of the most noted herds in the Dominion. In some sections Ayrshires ‘predominate, in others Holsteins, Jerseys, and Guernseys. There are also many excellent herds of grade dairy cattle, and the constant introduction of high quality pure bred sires and
A Dairy Herd on a Farm in Prince Edward Island
dams is effecting increased production of milk at lower cost. The output of butter and cheese in each of the Maritimes during 1928 was:—
_ Butter Cheese Ib. Ib. Nova Scotia. 05 iii ot \eeiek'g ace 08 be Ve nlds 10,479,276 98,451 New Brunswick..............0.00e 000: 8,591,723 705 ,555 Prince Edward Island................-- 3,536,838 1,711,726 Maritimes..............000005 22,607 , 837 2,515,732
The value of the total dairy production, which includes butter, cheese, miscellaneous factory products, and milk consumed fresh or