The Maritime Provinces Brunswick. Although Prince Edward Island has the least production it enjoys inter-provincial trading to better advantage because of its com- paratively small population. New Brunswick and Nova Scotia on the other hand depend upon Prince Edward Island and central Canada for a large part of their egg supply. In 1929 the federal Live Stock Branch inspected 46,785 F sername scram . ‘ " Barred Plymouth Rocks, a Preferred Breed in the Maritimes cases of eggs (30 dozen per case) for inter- provincial shipment from Prince Edward Island, in addition to 1,599 cases for export. The poultry industries of all three provinces are served by energetic and well organized co-operative societies. The Prince Edward Island Co-operative Egg and Poultry Exchange is one of the oldest and most successful pro- ducers’ associations in North America. The associations in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia are of more recent origin and two years ago were amalgamated into the Maritime Co-opera- tive Egg and Poultry Exchange. 32