CHAPTER . The Unknown Isle . The Fur Trade and the Sedentary III. EV. Vi. Vi: VT. VII. EX. . Franquet Makes Plans XI. XII. XIII. XIV. XV. VI. CONTENTS Fishery (la pesche sedentaire) Migration from Acadia after the Eng- lish Conquest The Failure of le Comte de Saint Pierre The Island Reunited to the Royal Do- main Roma and His Settlement at Three Rivers De Pensens and Duchambon: Lieuten- ants de Roi In the Hands of the English Rebirth of the French Colony The Census of Sieur de La Roque: 1752 The Shadow of Calamity The Expulsion of 1758 Social Life and Institutions The French and the Micmacs Epilogue Apprenpix A. Officers of Government Appenpix B. The Clergy Appenpix C. Census Returns Appenpix D. Voyage of Gauthier Appenpix E.. Loss of the Duke William INDEX PAGE 11 30 40 56 94 109 121 146 163 175 188 201 212 233 239 240 243 244 247 261