In the Hands of the English 111 plunder his stores, set fire to his buildings, and leave only the charred ruins of a once promising settle- ment, the object of so much solicitude on his part and of reasonable pride on the part of the officials at Port La Joye and at Louisburg. He then followed the road which he himself had made to St. Peters and finally made his way to Quebec to await the end of the war. The other detachment landed at Port La Joye and carried out a similar plan of destruction, burning the capital to the ground. The garrison of twenty men under du Vivier retreated up the Northeast River, hotly pursued by the Provincials, until remforced by a number of habitans and Indians it rallied and drove the invaders to their boats with a loss of nine men killed, wounded, or made prisoner. The whole expedition was in the nature of a destructive foray and having destroyed the nearest centers of French activity the detachments returned together to Louis- burg, leaving the island to the disposal of their supe- riors. Shortly after this an agreement was arrived at whereby the inhabitants of Isle Saint Jean were to be unmolested for the space of one year on giving six hostages for their good behavior. Du Vivier and his twenty men, feeling that they could be of little use to the inhabitants after the fall of Louisburg, escaped to Quebec, arriving there on August 7. Here he entered eagerly into plans for the recovery of the island by a force from Canada and, though these plans came to nought, he managed to secure the despatch of provisions there to tide them over the