The French and the Micmacs 225 you to your barbarous enemies? A misfortune which those very enemies desire may befall you, and to which they would be glad to see you reduced. Consider there- fore that it is of the greatest consequence for you not to tumble into the pit they are digging for you; and such is your real interest. With regard to your preservation, in general and particular, ought not all the savages under the protec- tion of my sovereign, to be convinced by the facts above related, of the shocking extremity to which they would be reduced without the assistance of France? But if on the other hand you will not make peace without the consent of your chief support, you will ever find him a bulwark of defence betwixt you and your enemies. Consult your patriarch, who is a man of sense and understanding, and has the same paternal bowels for you as myself, and though continually employed in the care of your souls, still endeavours to procure you all the sweets and comforts of life. Could the ashes of your fathers, your mothers, your wives, your children, your friends and relations, be raised again to life, and become capable of utterance, they would speak to you in these words: Never conclude a peace without the knowledge and consent of your support; be sure you mistrust an enemy who studies nothing but your ruin, and who wants to separate you from your friends only with a view to surround you, and to make you an easier prey. Beware of their pres- ents: for there is surely a snake in the grass. They would further add: Send two of your people to your brethren; let them set off directly and lose no time, but acquaint them with the dangerous step they have taken; let them open their eyes in regard to what I have been