Appendix 243

33, pp. 319-328, and on subsequent correspondence. Fathers Girard, Perronnel, and Cassiet died in France, the latter at a ripe old age. Father Dosque died in Que- bec. Father Biscaret was drowned on the way home in 1758.

Prior to 1752 the chaplains of Port La Joye some- times visited the outlying portions of the colony and when this was not possible a layman was commissioned to act, particularly in cases of interment.


Census Returns

Year Population

1720 250*

1728 297 plus 127 fishermen 1730 ob. fo asl be 1781 OMT SE AG . 1734 O90) ane t 1735 432 181 e* 1747 653

1748 735

1752 2,223

17538 2,641

1755 2,969

1756 4,400 to 4,500

1758 4,600 to 4,7007

1763 800*

1921 11,971

1 Estimate.