Index Grand dérangement, 131, 138, 179 Grasshoppers, 172, 205-208 Hacer, du, 64 instructions to, 101-102 distress during his command, 103 Halifax, founded, 124 influence on French policy and Acadian migration, 124-132 Hay, Captain, 197 Hocquart, Intendant of New France, 91, 121, 123 Holland, Captain, 200 Ine Royale, reasons for French attention to, 30, 33-36 Tival jurisdiction, 49-50 Ile (Isle) Saint Jean, discov- ered, 4 reasons for neglect of, 7 probably charted in 1595, 7 maps of, by Champlain, 7 descriptions of, 4-6, 8-9, 44- 48, 67-72 granted to Denys, 15, 17 to Doublet, 23 to Gautier, 26 to Louvigny, 31 to Comte St. Pierre, 40 to Roma, 73 independence of Ile Royale planned, 49 French neglect of, 62, 63, 71 early immigration to, 42, 47, 61, 99 reunited to Royal domain, 66 in the hands of the English, 109-120 restored to France, 121 visited by Franquet, 146-162 263 census of Sieur de La Roque, 163-174 influx of Acadians after the founding of Halifax, and before and after the expul- sion of 1755, 132-134, 137, 139, 168, 169, 170, 180, 181 conditions on the eve of the English conquest of 1758, 141-144, 175-187, 189-193 conquest and transportation of the inhabitants, 188-200 social life and institutions, 201-211 Indians of, and on mainland, 212-232 progress subsequent to 1758, 233-238 Indians, 5, 71, 72, 103, 105, 106, 137, 188, 190, 212-232 Indulgence, articles of, to in- habitants of Isle Saint Jean, 116-118 Instructions, to, du Haget, 101- 102 Degoutin, 132-133 de Bonnaventure, 175-176 Jounson, Captain, 200 Justinien, Pére, 35 Knowres, Commodore, 114, 115, 118 Knox, Historical Journal, quoted, 199 Laxnoret, 228 La Corne, 139 La Galissoniére, Governor of New France, 121, 131 La Giraudiere, 25 La Goudalie, 228, 229 La Jonquiére, 231, 236 Languedoc, 138