visit. Should the tourist so elect he could take the train to Pictou and proceed, by a pleasant three and one half hours’ sail in the S. S. North- umberland direct to Charlottetown, the Capital City of the Province, where direct communication can be had with every portion of the Province. The Steamships Empress and Northumberland are owned and controlled by the Charlottetown Steam Navigation Company. They are both fast, commodious, finely equipped boats on which the menu is the very best that can be obtained. Each of these boats was especially constructed to meet the requirements of its respective route and is fully up-to-date.

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Visitors to the Island coming either from or through the city of Boston are offered several routes from which to make their selection. They can take the all rail line from Boston to St. John, thence by the Intercolonial Railway to Point du Chene, crossing to Summerside in the S. S. Empress, which will connect with the train waiting to convey them to Charlottetown where they will arrive within twenty-four hours of the time they left Boston; or if the pleasure seeker would prefer to break the monotony of an all-rail trip by a short and charming sea voyage, he can take passage on one of the magnificent steamships of the Dominion Atlantic Railway and Steamship Company to Yarmouth or Digby from whence he will be conveyed by the D. A. R. train passing through the unrivalled orchards of the Annapolis Valley, the far-famed dykes of Grand Pre, as well as through those beautiful lands of Evangeline im- mortalized by Longfellow, and finally reaching Pictou in time to take the