THE IDEAL, SUMMER: RESORT 13 the State of Maine to St. John and thence by the I. C. R. to Point du Chene, a shorter route but not so rich in picturesque scenery. Each of these routes connect with the S. S. Empress at Point du Chene for Sum- merside. Prince Edward Island offers especial inducements to that large class of tourists to whom the so-called fashionable watering places and sum- mer resorts have no attraction but who desire to spend their summer vacation in such a manner that they will return to their homes happy, vigorous and contented, with a renewed lease of health and life. A MORNING DIP STOPPING PLACES. Prince Edward Island is studded with upwards of one hundred comfortable, well kept hotels (whose extremely moderate rates will be found on another page) any one of which can easily be reached either by railway, steamboat or team and will prove to the tourist to be a delight- ful haven of rest. At Hampton, Malpeque, Brackley Beach, Tracadie