In the summer time the shooting season commences on August Ist with the turkey curlew and upland plover, which are often seen in very large flocks, and are distributed pretty generally throughout the Pro- vince.

They are usually especially numerous on the North Shore at the Eastern end of the Province (about 8 miles from Souris) and also at Mal- peque and the barrens back of Alberton. Next comes the duck and shore bird season which opens on August 20th. Black ducks, the finest birds of the duck family, are becoming very numerous; the protection imparted to them having worked wonders. They are to be found in all the marshes, rivers, ponds and lakes, as well as in the salt water lagoons and lakes, in one of which two sportsmen killed 120 in one day and then ceased firing at them as they had all the ducks they could take care of. Besides the black ducks, there are a number of other species of the duck family, (such as mallards, green-winged and blue-winged teal, pintails, Am. golden eyes, mergansers, cockawies, coots and shell ducks) which are fairly plentiful. Shore birds, including the golden, beetle-head, ringneck, killdeer, and piping plover, in addition to the greater and less- er yellow legs and about 15 kinds of sandpipers) flit in clouds along all the shores, rivers and pond sides, providing the gunner with good sport. On September Ist, the snipe and woodcock shooting commences to the great delight of “the good shot.” Snipe can be found in almost all the swamps and marshes on the Island, while cock-covers abound in all parts of Prince Edward Island. Partridges were very plentiful last sea- son and a great number were shot. These valuable game birds, which were nearly extinct in the year 1905 have, under judicious conservation, wonderfully increased in numbers; they are now equally distributed throughout the Province. The open season for partridges commences on October 15 of every odd year and continues for one month. There will be no open season in 1912 or in every second year thereafter. Rabbit shooting does not open until November Ist and therefore is of no interest to the summer visitor.

Anglers and sportsmen visittng Prince Edward Island will find mem- bers of the Fish and Game Protection Association scattered all through the Province who will courteously give any information about fishing or shooting that the visitor may require.