Florence MacNevin 1985-1986

Florence was born on July 31, 1924, the daughter of Raby and Hattie (Bryan) Adams of Knutsford. She joined the Knutsford Women's Institute while she was Miss Adams. At age 18 years, she married Allison MacDougall of Springfield West. They had a family of five children, namely Wayne, Clare, Doris, Heath and Esther. A son, Edwin

Dale, died in infancy. At the time of her marriage, she joined the Springfield West Women’s Institute. For many years, she and Allison worked on the family farm while bringing up their family. They retired and moved to O'Leary in 1973. At that time, she became a visiting homemaker, and resumed her membership to the Knutsford Women's Institute where she served as president in 1985 and 1986. She became a Lifetime Member of the P.E.I. Women’s Institute. After the death of her husband, she married Edmund MacNevin and took up residence in Brae. At their retirement, they built a new home and moved to O'Leary. She then transferred her membership to the Knutsford Women’s Institute. At that time, the Knutsford Women’s Institute organized a fund raiser. Florence and Eddie hosted their home as part of the homes that were offered to raise money for the Institute. When she finished school, she was given the opportunity to teach, but her first priority was farming the family farm and raising her family. Florence passed away on February 21, 2020 and is buried beside her husband and father of her children at Bethel United Church Cemetery. Written by her daughter, Ester Oulton