Olive Yeo-Berry 1938-1948 Olive Yeo-Berry was born in Knutsford, P.E.I. February 21, 1917 at the home of her parents, John and Lilla Yeo. She met William R. Berry, who returned home to the Island with his family, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Berry from New Jersey, U.S. during the depression because work was scarce. William and Olive were married in 1938. They had three children John, Carol and Allen. For a while, the young couple lived in the Meggison house (Annie’s family home) in Forestview, P.E.I. However, before she was married, Olive, with a little coaxing from her stepmother, Hannah Yeo, - one of the 13 founding members - joined the Knutsford Women’s Institute in 1934 and remained a member until 1941, when she and William moved to New Jersey. William knew early on that farming wasn’t for him, so he joined the Canadian Air Forces to provide for his family, and later William moved to back to New Jersey with Olive and his three young children. William transferred to United States Air Force because he was an American. William and Olive resided in New Jersey until they passed away. Olive sadly passed away in 2011. During her time as a member of the K WI, Olive served as the secretary/treasurer in 1936, and 1938. She was chosen to be a delegate of her branch to attend an annual convention in Charlottetown. Traveling to the capital was not something Olive did every day. It was a big deal, an event and honour. Every two years a Women’s Institute Annual Convention would take place in Charlottetown. Delegates from each branch would attend. Miss Olive Yeo (secretary/treasurer) represented the Knutsford, Institute in 1938. Mrs. Thomas Silliker (Vera) a delegate of Mount Royal branch, 65