Silver Dennis hosted the September regular meeting at the school.

President Eileen Smallman opened the meeting with a thought, and everyone said the Mary Stewart collect in unison. Roll call was answered by 19 members paying dues. Minutes from past meetings were read and approved and reports were given by various committees. The quilting committee reported one quilt sold for $55 and another quilted for Mrs. Waite. Another would be quilted before Christmas. School committee reported still no word on tables and chairs. Anniversary committee reported to be given power to buy anything necessary for 50" anniversary. Eileen Smallman read a poem in memory of Hazel Ellis who passed away August

28, 1978. The members observed two minutes of silence. The new slate of officers was brought in for 1978-79 by Wanda Adams and Freda Woodside:

President Orell Smallman; Vice President Fairley Yeo; Secretary/ Treasurer Helen Adams; School Treasurer Joan Smallman; Reporter for Newspaper Lilly Adams; Directors

Lorraine Harris, Eileen Smallman, and Isobel Harris; Nominating Committee Harriet

MacNeill, Elva Smallman; Welcoming Committee Cora and Elva Smallman; Quilt

Committee Empress McDowell, Etta Harris, and Silver Dennis; School Committee Harriet MacNeill, Silver Dennis, Wanda Adams, and Freda Woodside; Auditors Betty Sweet and Silver Dennis; Red Cross Committee Betty Sweet; Hospital Aid Committee Joan Smallman and Lilly Adams; Card Secretary Verna Smallman; Telephone Committee Tillie Dyment and Jean Harris; Labels Committee Lorraine Harris; Agriculture Committee Marion Luxton; Cultural Activities Susie Smallman; Home Economics Committee Eileen Smallman; Safety

Committee Joan Smallman; United Nations Fairley Yeo.

This slate of officers was moved by Wanda Adams and seconded by Fairley Yeo. It was decided that the president, Orell Smallman, and secretary, Helen Adams, attend the Leadership workshop at the O’Leary Legion November 2, 1978. The president gave an outline of the work carried on during the year and a vote of thanks was extended to the retiring officers by Lilly Adams which followed by “a hearty hand clap.” Lilly also reported serving at the Red Cross Room at the Regional Service Centre and that the cod liver capsules were there. The holiday box and Pennies for Friendship were received. Several humorous readings were read by Helen Adams. The

meeting closed by all repeating the Lord’s Prayer.