Woodside were appointed to work the canteen at the rink for the month of April. The meeting
closed with the Lord’s Prayer. Mrs. Winburn Harris hosted the April regular meeting of the KWI at her home.
Roll call was answered by 16 members. The district meeting was to be held at St. Luke’s hall April 25. Wanda Adams and Eileen Smallman represented Knutsford Institute to be, the Welcoming Committee and provide the Fun and Nonsense portion of the meeting. Fun and nonsense consisted of jokes and riddles, and playful stories so everyone was put at ease when arriving at the meeting. Other institutes did what was requested by them to make it a successful convention for District 2. The KWI also decided to serve a turkey dinner for the election poll to
be held at the school April 22. Dinner would cost $2.50, and supper would be $3.50.
The quilt for Leona Maclssac was ready and plans were made once more to begin another
colonial quilt.
The KWI’s meetings did not take place at the school again in 1979 until May. For the month of Mother’s Day, it was appropriate to open the May meeting with a poem called Mothers read by
president, Orell Smallman.
It was also roadside cleanup month and the members agreed to maintain the lawn mowing at the school, with all members taking turns. Correspondence was read and a report from the District 2 convention was given by Helen Adams. An auction sale for the community hospital is to be held May 16. The holiday box and Pennies for Friendship was passed around and the program was a
pantry quiz by Eileen Smallman.
On June 13, the regular meeting took place at the school. Roll call was answered by 15 members. Joan Smallman reported that the hospital meeting would be held June 19, on a farm for a lobster supper. Whose farm and where the lobster supper took place was not recorded. It was decided to send $5 to the Adelaide Hoodless Fund and $5 to the Salvation Army. Lilly Adams reported on the institute convention in Charlottetown on June 6 and $15 was to be given to Mrs. MacKinnon for swimming lessons for the children beginning July 16. The KWI subsidized the swimming lessons in their community. Plans were then made to host a dinner at the Holstein Field Day June
20 at the home of Mr. Reggie Adams.