This idea came from a presentation given by Ms. Eileen Conway-Martin. She showed slides explaining the need for older people and school children to better communicate, and she asked for four volunteers to show art at the local elementary school. $25 was given to both support a Clean Water project in Kenya and adopt a village in Ethiopia. The hospital convener reported that the O’Leary Community Hospital was looking to buy two air mattresses and an infant car seat. And at this year’s Spring Convention, the collection would go to Dave Crassman, who is mute. Florence MacDougall presented a slide show on multiculturalism which was enjoyed by all. National Farm Women’s Conference and learning how to use microwaves will be held May 11. Members were encouraged to attend. Leona Maclsaac Moran presented a program on our most valuable resource - time. She suggested the members try to eliminate time-eaters and time- wasters. And, most importantly, to make time for themselves so that, ultimately, they would have been energized to take care of family and others. O’Leary postmaster Ian Strang showed a short film on how to properly address an envelope. The correspondence included an item on the safety of ATVs, the Duke of Edenborough’s Award, and a project on people with longterm psychiatric and emotional problems. A Hint From Heather was a paragraph written in the local newspaper, and could be anything from the best household cleaning products, to healthy eating and everything in between. Not unlike Martha Stewart or Google, just ask Heather and she will provide the answer. It was decided that the Knutsford institute branch work one day a week at the New to You second hand store located at the O’Leary Co-op. At the July meeting in 1985, Florence MacDougall was thanked for representing the institute in the Lady Gem contest at the Potato Blossom Festival. For a number of years, a Lady Gem pageant was held along with the Potato Blossom Queen. Scrapbooks kept at the time reveal that some of the winners were Jean Meggison (1982), Mae Costain (1983) Mary Ellen Maclsaac (1984), and Florence MacDougall (now) MacNevin in (1985). At the annual meeting in September Florence was presented with a gift from the members in appreciation of her representing them. The institute received a very important letter from the Supervisor Real Property Tax Advisory that the branch had received a grant from the 135