Fairley Yeo donated her family cottage to be auctioned for two weekends in the summer. Proceeds will go to the QEH in the KWI’s name. On June 12, members got together at the G&E Restaurant for their annual outing and regular meeting. Institute member Helen Adams, who was then residing at the Lady Slipper Villa was present. International Affairs Convener Lorraine Harris reported that 129 soldiers had been killed in Afghanistan. Barbara Sweet and Verna Smallman gave a report from the Provincial WI convention held at the Royal Canadian Legion in


In September, regular institute meeting was held at the community centre and Freda Woodside and Fairley Yeo brought in the 2009-2010 slate of officers. Betty Sweet became president, vice

president was Joan Smallman and Wanda Adams would remain as secretary.

In October, a very interesting and informative program was given by Lorraine Harris for Fairley Yeo, agriculture convener. There was a good quiz at the end with some very good questions. Later in October it was discussed and decided by Orell and Susie Smallman to cancel the Christmas party as well due to the hIn1. There were many fun and informative programs. Five dollars was collected by members paying five cents each for every letter in their name. Roll call was answered by 14 members. A measuring party was suggested to record the inches of the ladies waists: five cents an inch. None of the members would measure so a tidy sum was realized. Joan Smallman gave a reading with photos of Lays potato chips past and present which started back in 1853. Cornelius Vanderbilt, a shipping and railroad baron, wanted thin slices of potatoes. Not happy with what he received, he sent them back to the kitchen where a cheeky chef, thinking he’d show him, gave him just what he asked for. He sliced them as thin as he could, fried them and Vanderbilt loved them. Thus, the potato chip was born. The chef, George Crum, who was of Native and Black American heritage, was known as the “Edison of Grease.”

At another meeting Joan Smallman gave a program on gardening with alternative pesticides.

It was agreed to send $100 to the mental health unit at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Charlottetown, and to the Eastlink equipment drive. Fairley Yeo reported that Marie Kenny will be the new vice president for the FWIC convention. Notes and News was passed around and shared at every meeting. It was moved by Betty Sweet and seconded by Orell Smallman that a banner be made and put above the front door of the Knutsford Community Centre. It would have

to be 2 feet wide and 3 feet long. The banner committee, Betty and Barbara Sweet and Orell