2014 - Tea Time

The 2014 project was on the agenda for most of the meetings. However, there were many interesting reports from the conveners and informative and fun programs. Members visited and brought food and gifts to sick sister/members and their spouses. They also sent flowers to Edna Gallant, whose house had burned, to express their care and concern. Correspondence consisted of a Notes and News and Federated Women’s Institutes of Canada news bulletin on Growing a Healthy You, the Vesey’s bulb program, and a reminder of delegates names for Peace Garden Scholarship. The Associated Country Women of the World, Canada area conference was to be held June 2014 in Camrose, Alberta. Spring is in the Air Gala Dinner will be held in Charlottetown April 11. Also, in a presentation by Atlantic Women’s Institute Board, Hon. Marion Reid asked that members consider a donation to the Holland College fundraising drive in celebration of its Prince of Wales College roots. The gym of former P.W.C. is being converted to a 300-seat Performance Hall and theatre space for the performing arts. Hospital committee reported auxiliary will pay for nine bed tray tables, to be cost shared with the hospital

foundation. Under new business, a bake sale had been a tremendous success. A cheque for $3,100 will be presented to the Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere (C.A.R.E.) campaign. Fairley Yeo read a letter from provincial president, Marie Kenny congratulating them on their 85th anniversary. The letter had been forgotten to be read at the anniversary by Carol MacLellan. An application had been applied for and sent to the Arts Council for a grant. Fairley was to take care of that. It was also decided to apply to Skills P.E.I. for a worker to assist with preparations for the 1864 project. Area 2 convention will be held March 19, storm date March 26. KWI will be responsible for welcoming, hospitality, registration, and guest speaker. It was decided to ask Margaret Sweet to be guest speaker at the area convention. It was also decided to comply with the West Devon WI request to have collection go to Bloomfield Elementary school for breakfast program. Agriculture convener, Fairley Yeo, gave an interesting presentation on P.E.I. crops. Potatoes are the largest cash crop with 85,000 acres in production, followed by

grains, wheat, oats and soybeans. The beef industry has been in decline but is making a