and Louise MacMillan memorial scholarship application forms are available. Resolutions that will be discussed at this year’s convention will be to support of the dairy industry, lyme disease and the awareness of ticks on animals in the woods. There was a discussion on the KWI scholarship to a deserving student graduating Grade 12. Registration forms were filled out and five members will attend provincial convention. The members offered to donate $100 to Queen Elizabeth hospital telethon for CT scanner in Charlottetown. Report from school committee said that fifth panel was delivered and installed by Henry Dunsmore in April. Two members of hospital auxiliary are attending job fair at the Mill River Resort. Fairley Yeo gave a report about Seniors’ Secretariat grant we had received, about the panel and the WI history before the meeting ended. Barb and Betty made a beautiful bouquet of flowers for Fairley Yeo in appreciation of all the work she has done in the past in regards to the grant, panel and history planning. Meeting

adjourned and Happy Birthday was sung to Joan Smallman and the cake was enjoyed by all.

In May, the KWI meeting was held at the community centre. Everyone was happy to see Karen Rodden was back from Florida. Members repeated the Mary Stewart Collect and the Mission Statement. Fairley Yeo presented the devotion. She read Psalm 23. A mom and dad were in the habit of reading The Bible praying with family. Later in life, mom had an aneurysm and was in hospital not talking very much. Her daughter was reading Psalm 23 when suddenly; she quoted the Psalm very clearly to them all. The date for the Festival of Small Halls has been verified, Thursday, June 20. Entertainers are Emerald Rae, Leonard Pololak, and Jesse Periard. Singers and fiddlers will entertain. A motion was made by Joan Smallman and seconded by Orell that $100 be sent to the Rural Beautification Society. A bridal shower for Chelsey Smallman is planned for July 4 at the community centre. Next meeting will be held at the Mill River

Experience in June. Meeting closed with singing O Canada.

The regular monthly meeting of the K WI was held June 12 at 2 p.m. at the community centre, supper followed at Mill River Experience 5 p.m. Susan Smallman presented the devotion titled, Small Ways and Small Places are all precious in God’s sight. Orell Smallman presented a program of jokes and riddles. Silent auction realized a sum of money. Minutes were read and adopted. Three members attended convention in Slemon Park- Fairley Yeo, Orell Smallman and Verna Smallman. It was a memorable afternoon. Roadside Cleanup was discussed, and bags

were handed out. The New Horizon grant application to purchase new windows, tables, chairs