December 5. Isobel will contact Roy Ellsworth for Santa, and Carol and Norma for music. Fairley will do bulletins; Joan will read A Christmas Story. Orell will read the Candy Cane Story. And Susan and Barbara will work on children’s crafts. Members will meet at the school the day of the party at 9:30 a.m. to decorate the school. Betty Sweet conducted the program with a story about a woman named Brigette Van Vliett. She said the Germans had come to her house in Holland looking for her father, but he was hiding in the barn. One of the men looked at her mother, took out a picture of his family and left. He didn’t look for her father anymore. This lady was from the Netherlands but now lives in Summerside. There was no hospital report, and Barbara and Susan adjourned the meeting followed by members repeating /n Flanders Fields.
Karen Rodden wished everyone a good winter as she was leaving for the Carolinas, U.S.A.
The Christmas meeting was held at the home of Susan and Garth Smallman. The members were introduced to Jordan MacDonald, project manager of the Community Seniors Cooperative Ltd. The vision is to establish an affordable, modern 35-unit community care facility within the town of O’Leary. Actions to date were intensive meetings with government reps, industry professionals and community members. Site has been determined and business plan completed. There will be a community fund raising, co-operative membership. Some members paid $10 memberships while Jordan MacDonald was there. Traditional carols were sung, and it was decided to unveil the final panel at a later date. Members took a moment of silence to remember sister member Marion Luxton. Barbara Sweet, treasurer, collected offering and holiday money and GICs. Verna will send thank you cards to Carol and Gary Morgan and Norma MacNeill for leading the music and Christmas carols and helping with the clean up afterward. The party was a success with 27 children in a play dough class. Books and crayons and crafts were enjoyed by all the children. The program went on until Santa arrived and gifts were handed out. Three and four generations were present, great grandparents, grandparents, parents and children. It was delightful for the members to watch the hall being used in such a happy way and enjoyed by the community young and old. Correspondence included a thank you note from the Caring Cupboard for their continued donations and a thank you card from Susan Smallman for the food, visit and cards when her mother passed away. The K WI received a cheque for $100 from cousins of Marion Luxton in her memory. Marie Kenny, president of the PEIWI of Canada sent a paper on art education for children March 17, 2020. PEIWI offered gift ideas from the WI. Conveners are
encouraged to give a small report at each meeting. Fairley filled out a venue survey for the 2019