Marie Kenny, past president of the PEIWT and past president of Federated Womens Institute of Can- ada, (right) presents Knutslord Wi Prasicant Orelt Smaiiman gifts fotowing her Speech as gucet speaker at the 90th-anrmversary celebrations of the. Knidstord Wi on Sept. 8, Alsa in photo ig. Fairley Yeo, vice-prasicient of the Knutsford Wi ce Melissa Heald photo

The Knutsford WI Christmas

_ party

The Knutsford Women’s institute neld its annual community Christmas party at the Knutsford Community Centre on™ Dec: 8 at7 pm. Families with three and four generations were in attendance ages fanging from three months to 87 years. Musical entertainment along with a Christmas story and crefts for ‘the children was followed by a visit from Santa. Lunch and a social hour rounded out the evening. in photo: Betty Sweet with grandchildren David Sweet, Colby Callagahan, Maureen Sweet, great grandchildren Will Call- agahan, Maison Sweet, Jack Clark. Cierra and Hallie Sweet.

Submitted photo