In 1975 the Knutsford Women’s Institute purchased the Knutsford School from government for one dollar. Since that time, Lorne has volunteered many hours to help the KWI keep the building and property in repair. While employed with the Employment Training Corp, Lorne was instrumental in having the building wired for electricity and hooked up for running water, as well, roof repairs as part of the work project. He takes on the responsibility of general maintenance and is always there for advice, and willingly helps the KWI in any fundraising or community events. Cutting grass, pulling up and taking down the WI Community signs, opening the Centre in spring and closing in December, helping with billets for the Legacy Bike Tour are all part of a day’s work for Lorne. His contribution to WI is immeasurable and he never accepts money for his help. Therefore, the WI can use their money for other worthwhile projects. For many years he has been chairperson of the Knutsford Cemetery Committee and takes pride in its well kept appearance.
The members of the Knutsford Women’s Institute feel that Lorne Luxton exemplifies the attributes of Erland Lee. Through his voluntary contributions he truly portrays the Women’s Institutes motto, For Home and Country.” We feel Lorne would be a most worthy recipient of the Erland Lee Award, therefore, it gives the Knutsford Women’s Institute great pleasure to nominate him for this award.