fun, laughter and lots of challenges. I have learned so much from these women and I am still learning 60 years later.

I believe that my values of friendship and service to community have been shaped, first as a child and the impact of the work of the WI on me and seeing the positive impact for my own mother, and then as a

member myself. The Women’s Institute has wonderful values and principals: The Mary Stewart Collect, The Visions and Principals, The Mission Statement, The Women’s Institute Grace, The Women’s Ode, are good values to live by. Women’s Institute is working for Home and Country around the world. It has shaped and guided my engagement with my community. On a personal level, this organization has provided numerous opportunities for personal and professional development while serving the organization and my community. This has included being a member of PEIWI board of directors and the first Honorary Member of the PEIWI. I had the opportunity to attend a Federated Women’s Convention held in Victoria, British Columbia, as a delegate representing the PEI Farm Women. The WI enabled me to visit the Adelade Hoodless Homestead, a national historic site and headquarters for the Federated Women’s Institute of Canada at St George, Ontario, and also the annual PEIWI Conventions, Area 2 Conventions and other PEIWI events. These opportunities have given me a broader understanding of the importance of Women’s Institute at a local, provincial and national level. The WI has provided so many opportunities to also give back, together with my community of committed WI sister members. Through our work in community, sustaining the Knutsford Community Centre, and pulling together to host community events too numerous to list, we have grown in friendship and in the satisfaction of contributing together over the span of 60 years to the well-being of our community. I am proud that, when chosen in 2018 by the PEI Seniors’ Secretariat as “Senior Islander of the Year,” the citation prominently highlighted was my longtime and dedicated commitment to the Knutsford Women’s Institute and the