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Several other members have held various offices on the Board through the years. Also, many have served as Synod, and D.C.S. Delegates, Vestr and Parish Council, Sunday School and other Church Committees ‘
In l9u9 the W.A. contributed to the Building of a new Rectory and more recently the A.C.W. has centributed to the builiding fund of the ne foundation and basement of the Church and were responsible for the '
kitchen and equipement.
The attendance averages lb at meetings but help and co-operation is received from all the women in the Parish.
The Present Officiers are:-
Past President :- Mrs. James Moore (Evelyn) President:— Mrs. Stanley Crosby (Muriel) Vice-Presidentz- Mrs. Elwin Sherren (Elsie)
2nd. Vice—Pres:— Mrs. Norman Cairns (Gwen) Sec'y-Treasurerz- Mrs. David MacDonald (Marion) Devotions:- Mrs. Elmer Fall (Fnances) Education:— Mrs. Douglas Mackinnon (Frances) Prayer Partner:- Mrs. Anna Chace
Social Action:— Mrs. Robert MacKinnon(Carol) Bazaar :- Mrs. Elwin Sherren (Elsie)
In the 18 years since organization there have been many Changes in projects and policies, and many new faces, but we continue onward doing
the will of God from our hearts.