As well as giving to all the parish, provincial, and national commitments, St. Elizabeth's A.C.W. for many years has sponsored a child in Sri Lanka through Christian Children's Fund of Canada.
In the earlier years the March meetings were held to correspond with the World Day of Prayer Service. By 1954 we invited Summersfield W.M.S. to join with us, and held the services alternately in the respective churches. Later St. James C.W.L. was invited to participate and the three groups now meet turn about in the three churches.
In 1964 wewere asked to report on a new name for the W.A. We
voted “unanimously in favour of retaining the present name“,
and it was not until November 18, 1966 that the name St, Elizabeth‘s Anglican Church Women was first recorded in the Minute Book. For nearly two decades we have happily functioned under our new name.
We presently have twelve members:
President: Mrs. Atlee Bearsito
Vice—President, Education Sec'y & Prayer Partner: Mrs. Gerrit Loo Secretary: Mrs. Clare Haslam
Treasurer: Mrs. Reginald Haslam
Devotions Sec‘y: Mrs. Clarence Haslam
Supply Sec'y: Miss Muriel Haslam
Social Action & Parish Life Sec'y: Mrs. Irving Haslam
Youth Secretary: Mrs. John Haslam
Mrs. William Haslam, retired Prayer Partner Sec'y still writes to Miss Elliott.
Mrs. Brian Hutchins, Mrs. Hyatt Haslam, and our newest member, Miss Heather Haslam.
This Centennial Year, is one of hope and challenge to our commitment and rededication to life and service in Jesus Christ. With God's guidance and power, we trust that we shall succeed in fulfilling
his purpose for us, not only this year, but always.
St. Elizabeth's Church, Springfield