A Sketch of St. Peter 's Cathedral In 1869 St. Peter 's Cathedral was built by those members of the Church of England in Charlottetown who felt the need of fuller teaching and heartier services than could then be obtained. Their faith has now been fully recog¬ nized as it was only against strong opposition and ridicule that they car¬ ried the torch and now on completion of seventy-five years of service to God , while some of their views are not necessarily held by other members of the Anglican Community, they are at least respected. When the building was completed the Rector of St. Paul's refused to have his Parish divided, so to avoid legal difficulties Bishop Binney con¬ secrated the new Church as the Cath¬ edral of the Province and appointed the Rev. George Wright Hodgson as his Chaplain and First Priest-Incum¬ bent. This wise move on the part of the Bishop gave the Anglicans of Charlottetown the opportunity of choosing the type of service they wish¬ ed. Those who wished the "High" could attend St. Peter 's and those who wished the "Low" St. Paul's. For a great many years and even up to not so many years ago, strong criticism was directed against St. Peter 's but by the Grace of God this antagonism appears to be overcome and now every Anglican Church works in perfect har¬ mony. I do not intend in this short sketch to go into any statistics but one point should be brought out. In the seventy- five years of it's history St .Peter's has had only three Priests-Incumbent. The Rev. George Wright Hodgson from 1869 to 1885. The Rev. (Canon) James Simpson from 1886 to 1920 and the Rev. (Canon) Elwin Mortimer Malone from 1921 to date. There are very few other Churches in Canada that can show this record. Another record of which St. Peter 's may well be proud is that out of a total membership of 445, fifty-nine are serving in His Majesty's Forces. May God guide them and protect them. We, the present members of St. Peter's should never forget it is only due to the strenuous labours of the founders and their children that we have our present Cathedral with its Catholic teaching. Are we of the third and fourth generations doing our part to carry on their ideals ? ALL SOULS' CHAPEL On June 2nd, 1888 the corner stone of All Souls' Chapel was laid by Bishop Courtney. This Chapel was erected primarily as a memorial to the first Priest-Incumbent, Rev. George Wright Hodgson, but since has grown as a memorial to a large number of the original members of the Congregation. The building is of Island sand stone ,of. the deep red so familiar to any per¬ son who has lived or visited in Prince Edward Island. I am not sufficiently educated in architecture to state the style, but am informed that it is of the first period of English Gothic, just after the transition from the Norman. In many ways this Chapel is a mem¬ orial to the Harris Family . The archi¬ tect was Mr. W. C. Harris , Jr., and all the paintings are the work of Robert Harris, C.M.G ., R.C.A ., who has shown (in many cases) the work of love. I could not attempt to describe the paintings, the only way to understand them is to see them and study them. This gifted artist not only painted 'pictures" but in a great many in¬ stances painted into the pictures the portraits of those for whom these paint¬ ings were given as memorials. One or more instances might be mentioned.