The Brown sisters of St . Eleanor's, as a memorial to deceased members of their family, have restored the Church entry and the staircase to the Gallery to something like their original condition. The old baluster rail and its newel-post were found in the Church loft, and are now back in place. An electronic bells system is being installed in the Church tower as a memorial to the parents of Mr. Kenneth Mills of St . Eleanor's. A Baptistry is to be made at the back of the Church through the remov¬ al of a plywood partition which intrudes into the centre of the west pair of windows in the north and south walls, and the return to the area of the font of rails which originally enclosed i +. The Baptist¬ ry will also serve as a Children's Corner, One of the rooms at the back of the Church will be fitted up as a combination wash-room, kitchenette and crying-room for babies during service-time. A dumb-waiter to the Gallery will enable congregation¬ al activities requiring the serving of food to be suitably looked after. In the meanwhile the fabric of the Church needs the usual upkeep - the roof must be shingled, .the ex¬ terior painted, and the decayed wood replaced.