Still preserved in the Church is the Communi plate presented in 1838 by Lady Georgina Fane, t daughter of the Earl'of Westmorelend in England a e. benefac+or of Colonial churches.
The Reverend Abram Wiggins left St. Homer's 1851, and was succeeded by the Reverend J. H. Rea It was he who built Saint Mary's Church in Sums side in 1861. It too was destroyed by fire - 1906 - and rebuilt, in brick, in 1909.
In 1865 the Reverend, J .W. Forsythe became Rec or. It was in his time that Saint John's obtain
its bell. It was imported from England at a cc of 60 pounds. I+ still rings out its message, c eyed by some, but ignored by others.
Mr. Forsythe ministered in Kensington and Wiln Valley. as well as at St. Eleanor's and Summersic‘
He conducted four Sunday Schools, and was paid pounds per annum. He asked for a curate, but nc
was given him.
I+ was in the time of the 12th Rector, the R: erend J .M. Withycombe, that the St. Eleanor's Rec cry (now Judge Darby's home-on South Drive) v sold and a new Rectory built in. the rising town Summerside.
Saint John's Churchyard contains the graves most of the early settlers- in St. Eleanor's. M notable of those buried there is the Honorable H: 1am Henry Pope, a Father of Confederation. He re;