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BELL, Wendy (b. 1954) is married to Lionel Ahier. They reside

in Campbellton, New Brunswick. They have two children: Aaron (b. 1984) and Allison (b. 1985).

BELL, Randy G. (b. 1956) is married to Corinne DeWolfe, the daughter of C.P.O. Earl DeWolfe R.C.N. (Ret'd) and June Brooks of Dartmouth,

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N.S. Randy began farming at the age of 15 following the death of his father, Edwin in 1971.

Randy, along with his younger brother, Alan, owns 285 acres. Randy and Corinne built their home on the South Melville Road in 1988. They have one daughter, Brooke (b. 1988).'

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BELL, Alan (b. 1957) is employed with Island Saltfish Inc. at

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the DeSable plant. Over the years Alan has been very active within

the Crapaud Curling Club.‘

BELL, Heather (b. 1961) is married to Kevin Murphy and resides


in Augustine Cove. They have one child, Timothy (b. 1988).

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Randy Bell