26 MacFARLANE , Bio is Chester was born July 8th, 1942 in Winsloe, P.E.I. , the son of Stewart MacFarlane and Evelyn Shaw . Blois married Ruth Jette Carlsen (b. March 30, 1948 - Copenhagen, Denmark) in 1962 at Pownal, P.E.I. Ruth and Blois had four children: Bonne Jean (b. 1962), Cindy Ann (b. 1964), Rosie Evelyn (b. 1968), and Matthew Blois (b. 1975). Ruth and Blois settled : m DeSable in 1962. Bonnie is married to Charlie Ralph of Newfoundland and is now stationed in Ge rmany. Bonnie is a Corporal in the Canadian Armed Forces and is a vehicle technician Cindy is married to Darren Darbyson and is also in the Armed ] forces stationed in Alberta. Cindy is an Air Traffic Technician Bonnie and Matthew attend school and live at home, Blois1 siblings : Ralph Steward (d), Rachel Jean , Anna Jeanette , and Laura Beryl • * Ruthfs siblings : Bjarne, Jimmy, Inge Lise, Tove Fern, Else Jytte, Lisbeth Ann. The first house in DeSable was bui. Lt by a Stuart in approximately 1710 as a log cabin (the cabin still exists and the beams are visible in parts of the house). The property was then owned by Mr. and Mrs. Philip Beer and after that, Chester and Edith Shaw and now Ruth and Blois MacFarlane . John David MacFarlane , whose home is now on the site of the DeSable Motel, made a water wheel which brought water from the stream up to the house. This was quite a convenience and people came from all over to see how it worked and copy it.