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MacKINNON, JoSeph Preson was born in 1953 at Tyne Valley Hospital, P.E.I. and is the son of Howard and Beatrice MacKinnon. Joe married Loretta Elaine (Leah) Patey (b. 1954 St. John's,

Newfoundland) in 1972 in Scarborough, Ontario.

Joe and Leah had a family of_five children: Cheryl (b. 1973), Brad (b. 1975), Ryan (b. 1980), Jody (b. 1984), and Devan (b. 1985).

Joe's siblings: Ozzie, Earl, Marjorie, Norma, Linda, and Mary. w Leah's siblings: Danny, Herby, Roger, Greg, Billie, and Linda.

Joe and Leah settled in DeSable in 1984 purchasing the home from Roy and Veda Genge.

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