Preface It is my pleasure to write a few words as a way of introducing this History of St. Mark's in celebration of its 25th Anniversary. This History is an acknowledgement of the work and witness of all who have made St. Mark's what it is today, but is particularly dedicated to the Charter Members whose faith and vision we celebrate at this time. Although very fresh in my ministry in St. Mark's, I was glad I agreed to chair the Anniversary Committee. By their collective guidance and enthusiasm I have not taken long to feel myself part of the pulse of this congregation. I would like to record my thanks and appreciation to each member of that Committee, who, for the record, are: Robert Adams , Elizabeth Boswall , Beth Carleton, Janet Glass , Alan Hamilton , Brent Partridge , Davida Stewart and Nancy Thomson . A special word of appreciation and thanks is given to Ada Sudsbury for gather¬ ing facts and information, and dealing with varying memories of numerous individuals in compiling this history. Many others were involved in 'Celebrating the Vision' in St. Mark's throughout the 25th year, (see Appendix C), and acknowledgement is made of their participation. In this year of celebration we have given thanks many times to Almighty God for the various groups and individuals whose faith and vision formed and nurtured this Christian fellowship. But the work for Christ and the advancing of the Kingdom is an unceasing challenge. We pray God would keep our Vision bright and clear as we move ever onward in our task, in this corner of the Vineyard, to convey His love and blessing through our Lord and Saviour , Jesus Christ. Donald G. Wilkinson October 1991 St. Mark's Presbytery Church — 1990.