St. Mark's Presbyterian Church in Sherwood came into being as the result of the appointment by the Presbytery of Prince Edward Island , in February 1961, of a special committee to study the possibility of, and the need for, establishing a congregation in the Sherwood- Parkdale area. This committee, under the leadership of Mr. W. Blair MacDonald and Mr. Hugh Lowry , conducted an extensive survey of population trends in the area, traffic and housing projections, school building plans, and suitable church locations. The committee concluded that there was sufficient interest to justify the establishment of a congregation in the area and recommended that a church site be obtained. The committee continued its work under the leadership of Rev. Carl Currie and Rev. Raymond L . Gillis. Land was purchased for a church and a manse. Arrangements were made with the Sherwood Women's Institute early in 1966 for the use of Hall as a meeting place for the proposed congregation which was named Sherwood-Parkdale Presbyterian Church. In March 1966 the General Board of Missions appointed Ian C. Glass , B.A ., as an Ordained Missionary charged with the task of establishing the new congregation, the appointment to take effect May 15th. Rev. Mr. Glass , who received his Bachelor of Divinity degree from Knox College on April 26th, 1966, and was ordained to the Christian Ministry at Gait, Ontario , on May 12th, 1966, arrived in Sherwood with his wife Janet late in May. The Presbytery of P.E.I , appointed an Assessor Session to assist Rev. Mr. Glass and the congregation. The four assessor elders were: Messrs. Arthur H . Roper and Millar MacFadyen of Zion Church and Mr. Don Martin and Dr. John Craig of the Kirk of St. James. First Communion Service, Hall, April 2nd, 1966. Rev. Ian Glass (middle) with Assessor Session — L . to R. Dr. John Craig (Kirk), Millar MacFadyen (Zion), Arthur Roper (Zion), and Donald Martin (Kirk).