The Church School was begun on May 2nd; and the first service of Sherwood- Parkdale Presbyterian Church was held on June 5th, 1966, with seventy adults and children in attendance. A service for the erection of the congregation was held by the Presbytery of P.E.I , on November 27th, 1966, at which time forty- eight persons were received into membership — six by profession of faith and forty-two by transfer of certificate. The first baptismal service was held on October 23rd, 1966 at which the following were baptized: Karen Banks , Linda Glass , and Rhian MacDonald. The first communion service was held on April 2nd, 1967, at which the Communion Ware given to the congregation by the elders of the Kirk of St. James was used. (This Communion Ware consisted of one hundred-twenty glasses, two bread plates with covers, four trays with covers, and a chalice.) First Baptismal Service, October 23rd, 1966 in Sherwood Hall. Rev. Ian and Janet Glass with Linda. (Two other babies — Karen Banks and Rhian MacDonald were also Baptized.) On April 2nd, 1967, the name of the congregation was changed by a congregational vote to St. Mark's Presbyterian Church.