Construction of a manse was completed early in December 1966, and a building committee was formed in January 1967 to draw up plans for a church building for the fledgling congregation. Members of that committee were: Messrs. Gordon Kerr (chairman), Malcolm Beaton, Cody Banks, Erroll MacNeill, and Louis A. Montigny. A building fund had been launched with a special Christmas offering on December 25th, 1966.

In the spring of 1968 the Assessor Session was replaced by four elders nominated and elected by the congregation of St. Mark’s. These newly elected elders were: Messrs. Keith Cameron, Gordon Kerr, Martin B. Myers, and Robert Roberts, Sr.. Of these, Martin (Buddy) Myers is still actively serving as an elder and as Clerk of Session an office which he has held since 1968.

After a year of preliminary planning, the Building Committee was able to get down to the final planning stage for the new church in 1968, after having been assured of financial support by the Presbytery of P.E.I. through its congregations and arranging for a loan from the Lending Committee of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. Final working drawings were completed by the architect, Mr. James Toombs, in June; and tenders were called early in July.

The first sod'for the new church building was turned by Rev. Carl Currie at an Official Sod Turning Ceremony on July 30th, 1968, and construction began. A special service for the laying of the cornerstone was held on October 2nd, 1968. Members of the Synod of the Atlantic Provinces were in attendance to share this

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St. Mark’s Church under construction, August December 1968.