On June lst, 1969, the first baptismal service was held in the new church building. Those baptised at that service were: Lisa Gallant, Nancy Glass, Robin MacDonald, Dwayne MacNeill, and Cynthia and George Vail.

Rev. Ian Glass, the Ordained Missionary for whom a Service of Recognition had been held by the Presbytery of P.E.I. on June 23rd, 1966, was inducted as Minister of St. Mark’s on April lst, 1971.

Between 1966 and 1971 , Rev. Mr. Glass provided strong leadership for the congregation which increased in size to ninety—six communicant members and fifty adherents. A Women’s Association was formed on January 25th, 1967, the members of which, with the assistance of the ladies of the congregation, have raised many thousands of dollars through the years to help in meeting the expenses of the church. A choir was organized in 1967 under the direction of Mr. George Phillips. Various organizations were started for the children and young people of the congregation a Young People’s Society in January 1967; a Children of the Church group in November 1967; a Boy’s Brigade in February 1968; an Explorers Group in February 1969; and the 2nd Sherwood Wolf Cub Pack and the 2nd Sherwood Scout Troop in September 1970. (The Y.P.S. was active for one year; the Boy’s Brigade for two years; and the Children of the

Church and Explorers for three years.)

A Kindergarten Committee was appointed in May 1968, and the Kindergarten commenced operation in February 1969. Mrs. W.S. McMurtry provided capable leadership for this endeavour from its inception until 1981 when St. Mark’s

turned it over to a private operator.

A new group for the young people called the “Gee Jays” (Generation Jumpers) was formed in the fall of 1971 and operated for one year.

Three new elders were elected in November 1972 Messrs. Roy Boswall and Reg MacGregor and Mrs. Davida Stewart (St. Mark’s first lady elder). Mr. Boswall and Mrs. Stewart continue to serve as active elders.

In December 1972 a Beaver Colony for boys aged 5 to 7 1/2 years was established.

Rev. Ian Glass resigned in September 1973 to accept the position of chaplain at the University of Prince Edward Island.

Rev. Cameron Bigelow, B.A., B.D., M.Th., was appointed to serve St. Mark’s as an Ordained Missionary by the Board of World Missions in March 1974. Accompanied by his wife Linda and their young son Wilson, Rev. Mr. Bigelow arrived in Sherwood in mid-summer. He preached his first sermon at St. Mark’s on August 4th, 1974; and the Presbytery of P.E-.I. held a Service of Recognition for him on September 5th, 1974.