St. Mark's Men's Chorus, organized and directed by Mrs. W.S. McMurtry , began regular practices early in 1985. This chorus which is comprised of men from St. Mark's, as well as several from other local congregations, has participated in special services at St. Mark's, performed in Truro, Nova Scotia , and at many churches in P.E.I. . It has also sung in local nursing homes, at Sleepy Hollow Correctional Institute, and at special events in the community. Two special services were held in 1986 to commemorate the twentieth anniversary of the founding of St. Mark's. One was held on June 8th to mark the anniversary of the first service at which Rev. Ian Glass , the first minister of the church, was the guest speaker. The second was held on November 23rd to mark the anniversary of the founding of the church at which Rev. Dr. Donald Campbell , who was the minister at Zion Church in 1966, was the guest speaker. The anniversary celebration continued that evening with a Song Service. The Senior Class of the Church School took on the task of conducting the Easter Sunrise Service in 1986 and has continued to do so each year since then. Two new elders — Messrs. George Compton and Neil MacEwen — were ordained in 1987. They continue to serve in this capacity. The members of the Church School Senior Classes of 1985 and 1986 purchased a scarf for the communion table which was dedicated to the memory of their classmate Janet Lovering on September 6th, 1987. The Bible Study Group met for the first time on November 15th, 1987, and continues to meet regularly for study and discussion. In September 1988 the 2nd Venture Co. was formed for boys between the ages of 15 and 18. This was the first venturer company in the history of the 2nd Scout program. The congregation was very pleased and proud to have the Ordination Service for Robert Adams , Jr., held by the Presbytery of P.E.I , at St. Mark's on August 13th, 1989. Robert is the first member of this congregation to enter the ministry. In March 1989 Rev. Jack Chiang advised the Session that he would be leaving St. Mark's in mid-July to accept a call from First Presbyterian Church in , New Jersey , which was very anxious to obtain the services of a bilingual minister fluent in Taiwanese and English. The Presbytery of P.E.I , held a farewell service at St. Columba on the evening of July 11th for the Chiang family — Jack, Ruth, Hannah, and Samuel. A Youth Group for the teenagers of the congregation and their friends was reactivated in September 1989 under the leadership of Ken and Nancy Thomson. 13