A call was issued early in the fall of 1989 to Rev. Donald G. Wilkinson, L.Th., of the Ontario pastoral charge of Komoka, North Caradoc, and'Mt. Brydges. Rev. Mr. Wilkinson, accompanied by his wife Joy and their daughter Marian, arrived on December 1st. He was inducted by the Presbytery of P.E.I.
on December 5th, 1989.
Three new elders were added to the Session on November 4th, 1990 — Mrs. Elizabeth (Betty) Auld and Mr. Gordon A. MacRae by ordination, and Mr. John
(Jack) R. Tarr by admission.
Picnic Service — Camp Keir, June 1990.
L. to R. Pamela Sanderson, Jeffrey Sanderson, Andrew Sanderson, Gordon MacRae, Emily MacRae, Kyle Hamilton, Jessica MacRae, Elizabeth Boswell, Saralie MacEwen, Susan Richardson, Heather Richardson, Meghan McCarthy and Edward Dykeman.
An anniversary committee was formed in 1990 to plan for the celebration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the founding of the congregation. This celebration began on Saturday, November 24th, with a congregational dinner and continued with a special service on November 25th at which charter members of the congregation were recognized. Special services and displays were planned to take place in 1991 to mark the various milestones in the history of
St. Mark’s. (See Appendix C).
In the twenty-four years since the congregation was officially founded on
November 27th, 1966, the names of nearly two hundred persons have been add— ed to the roll of communicant members, with the enrolment as of December 31,